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Thesis: What future for biodiversity in agricultural areas in the context of climate change? From the evaluation of conservation measures to the land use scenarios.

Thesis: Evaluation of the effectiveness of French agri-environment schemes for farmland bird communities.

Work experience

Supervision of students 

Co-supervision of the doctoral thesis of Clément Vallé, with Isabelle Le Viol & Frédéric Jiguet (UMR CESCO). Title: "Adapting and developing new biodiversity indicators from improved Joint Species Distribution Models (JSDM)" (2020-2023; Funded by ANR Gambas)

Master degree Internships supervision

Pérrine  Lambert, Master 2 Student, MNHN, Paris, France. 2021. Co-adv: Denis Couvet (UMR CESCO), Christian Couturier & Philippe Pointereau (SOLAGRO). Evaluation des impacts sur la biodiversité des scénarios Afterres, par la variation de HANPP 

Aminetou Ciré, Master 2 Student, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France. 2021. Co-adv: Paul Rouveyrol (UMS PatriNat). Evaluation de la contribution du réseau Natura 2000 sur la conservation des populations d’oiseaux communs 

Florian Grill, Master 2 Student, Université Paris-Sud – Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France. 2019. Co-adv: Stéphane Dray (UMR LBBE) & Wilfried Thuiller (UMR LECA). Modelling bird community diversity based on opportunistic data: a case study with the Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities framework.

Stanislas Wroza, Master 2 Student, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris. 2016. Co-adv: Dr. Benjamin Zuckerberg (UW Madison, USA). Exploring the impact of plant-related ecological conditions on the bird migratory phenology at a local scale.

Aude Noiret, Master 1 Student, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris. 2015. Co-adv: Pauline Pierret (PhD student - CESCO, MNHN Paris). Phénologie des oiseaux en hiver : abondance hivernale de passereaux dans les jardins en lien avec l’intensité agricole adjacente.

Eva Delmas, Master 2 Student, Paris-Sud University. 2015. Co-adv: Dr. Benjamin Zuckerberg (UW Madison, USA) & Dr. Morgan Tingley (UCLA, USA). Influence of extreme cold events on the diversity of wintering bird communities.

Camille Romer, Elève-ingénieur 2eme année ENSAIA, Nancy (Master 1 equivalent). 2011. Assessing the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes at the local scale

Participation to PhD steering committee: Pauline Pierret, MNHN (2014-2017); Eli Gaget, MNHN (2015-2018).

Academic mentoring: Advisor of a group of 10 Bachelor students (Licence I) each year. Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (2010-2011)

Teaching activities


Global Changes and Biodiversity. Orsay University (Master I. 2011)

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. College of Agronomy, AgroParisTech, ENGREF, Paris (Adult continuing education. 2011)


"Tree of life diversity". Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Licence I. 2010-2012)

Evolutionary ecology. Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Licence III. 2010-2012)

Spatial data analysis. Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Master I. 8h)

Preservation of biodiversity: Principles and Methods. National Museum of Natural History, Paris (Master II. 2010-2011)

Ecosystems and communities functioning. Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Licence III. 2010)

Capture-Recapture analysis. Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University, Paris (Master I. 2009)

Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals 

Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Bird Study, Conservation Biology, Conservation Letters, Diversity and Distributions, Ecography, Ecology and Evolution, Global Change Biology, GCB Bioenergy, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Journal of Applied Ecology, Ibis, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Zoology, Landscape Ecology, Peer Community In Ecology, Plos ONE, Scientific Reports, and Studies in Avian Biology.


Professional membership

Société Française d'Ecologie

Society of Conservation Biology

Ecological Society of America