Teachers as farmers

A teacher is like a farmer who nurses fruits that grow as they please in his own field.

A various color and a various kind of them are sprouting there.

To let those stems and leaves that are tiny yet grow,

a farmer takes care of them devotedly.

If the soil is hard, he plows.

If the ground is dry, he waters.

And if nutrition is short, he fertilizes.

He won't put on a hat just because there is much sun,

for fruits can't put on hats.

He won't put up an umbrella just because there is much rain,

for fruits can't put up umbrellas.

He must not only look down from a high hill,

just because it is troublesome or his feet become dirty.

To grasp the condition of fruits, being in the same state of them as much as possible,

he must walk into the field and examine carefully with holding each of fruit.

There may be some which are about to die of disease.

There may be some which are disturbing the growth of others.

It is a job and duty of a farmer to adjust those situations.

To let all of them be able to bear fruits peacefully in the future,

with a wish and a dream that this will come true someday,

a farmer devotes himself to toiling at his work from morning till night.

Even though he knows it from the beginning that they will leave him before fruiting.