
The Kentucky Association of Conservation District Employees (KACDE) was founded in July 1995. KACDE is a non-profit organization. Our primary objective is to help develop, promote, and strengthen conservation districts and their programs in the state of Kentucky. The Association's governing body is an Executive Committee of five members and nine area representatives.

There are 121 conservation districts in Kentucky! Our goal is to develop and maintain a higher level of professionalism within these offices and to educate the district employees to be able to assist in determining policy and making decisions that affect each county.

Benefits of being a KACDE Member

+ Networking with partners

+ Leadership opportunities

+ Training workshops

+ A conservation voice

+ Photo directory via email

+ Gain conservation knowledge

+ Experience teamwork

+ Effective professional development

+ Access to 501(c)3 status

+ And more!

If you wish to contact someone with the Association, please email kacde1995@gmail.com.