Webinar: Teaching the science and rhetoric of climate change

Post date: Sep 27, 2017 8:02:38 PM

Teaching the Science & Rhetoric of Climate Change: Strategies, Pitfalls, and Keeping Your Chin Above Water in Turbulent Times

October 2, 4:30pm Pacific

Ten years ago teaching climate change was considered edgy, “greenie”, or subversive. With introduction of the NGSS, it’s become an important conversation in science classes. Disciplines in humanities and social sciences are wondering how they can or should get involved. Student affairs folks are wondering if they should be helping students with “climate anxiety”. With the recent hurricanes and wildfires climate education is a suddenly “hot” topic. It would be exciting if it wasn’t so depressing. It would be interesting if it wasn’t so urgent. For education in particular, it’s a lot of change, happening very quickly in ways we are unevenly prepared for. How do we prepare students for the future they will inherit?

This webinar is an opportunity to “talk story” with Dr. Kiser, a communications professor, and Dr. Kuntz, an ecology professor as they address the following questions:

• What are students learning in college and how do the NGSS translate and transition to higher education?

• What is an effective interdisciplinary course design for teaching climate?

• What is the most important climate science concept to teach and why?

• How can teachers use climate communication strategies to engage students?

• What are institutional barriers to teaching climate change and how can they be addressed?

• How can community partners and K-12 schools partner with their colleges and universities to teach climate in context?

Dr. Kiser and Dr. Kuntz will share strategies and lessons learned for the first 30 minutes of the broadcast, then invite questions and engage in discussion for the second half of the session.

Space is Limited! Reserve Your Seat at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/839855745436074241