Resources Library

NEW: Click the image below to go to an interactive map of local resources, field trip sites, and community partners!

Focus Area | Climate Science

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network

Climate Adaptation and Mitigation E-Learning: a free, interdisciplinary, multi-media resource library for educators. Create courses, textbooks, administer exams & surveys, invite others and collaborate. 

Skeptical Science: a great resource to explore common climate change misconceptions (also available as a phone app!)

NOAA: Data in the Classroom

NOAA: Climate Education Resources

A visual timeline of Earth's changing climate

Climate Change Today: Weather Underground

NASA "Precipitation Education": interactive materials, lesson plans, and videos for weather and climate

Climate Change: Understanding the Impacts

"A Changing Pacific Coast" infographic poster

UC Berkley: MARE: Climate Data and Simulation Activities (Grades 9-12)

NEEF: Climate Superstars Educator's Guide

Teach ECO: Climate Action Curriculum (MS and HS) - Coming Soon!

Focus Area | Outdoor Exploration Tools

OSU: HMCS: STEM HUB: Trailers and Kits: Lending Library of equipment and kits for local teachers

Teach ECO | Ecology in the Classroom and Outdoors: Field trips and free lesson materials

Acorn Naturalists: books, kits, models, and other tools for the outdoors and the classroom

CLEARING: A magazine for environmental literacy education in the Pacific Northwest

Recommended | Videos, Animations, and Images

A visual glossary of ocean concepts

Stream live video from deep ocean expeditions

Sea Science at Monterey Bay Aquarium - a new Facebook-based video series highlighting aquarists, researchers, and other Aquarium staff as they undertake conservation and animal care

Global climate animations

Ocean Today


EARTH: A global map of wind, weather, and ocean conditions

Big Blue Live: video series celebrating ocean wildlife and conservation success stories

Skype A Scientist: reach out to hundreds of scientists across the world for a live broadcast with your students!

Two-Minute Ocean Videos

PBS series: "Changing Seas"

California Academy of Sciences: Science Films for the Classroom

Our Awesome Ocean

Ecosystems and wildlife images library

Tools of Science video series

TED-Ed: Build a lesson around TED talks designed for the classroom, and share lessons with your students online. Check out the "Discovering the Deep" video series!

The Adventures of Zach and Molly: A 3-part animated series about an unlikely duo exploring the deep ocean together, with accompanying learning guide

Smithsonian Science How!

Know your ocean: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Recommended | Plug-And-Play Curriculum - Download and Go!