Oregon Coast Aquarium and Lincoln County School District (LCSD) have a long-standing Ocean Literacy Partnership with the goal of making our students the best-prepared oceanic sciences students in the country. To support that goal, Oregon Coast Aquarium and Lincoln County School District are creating a new education framework that will make local environments and communities the context for learning.

Students are more excited and successful in school when what they’re doing is relevant to their lives. The Coast Connections project will connect teachers with partner organizations and experts who can engage students in answering real questions and solving real problems in our community. Similar programs across the country have been shown to improve student achievement, college and career readiness, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking.


• Develop student understanding, knowledge, and skills based on Next Generation Science Standards

• Provide a local context for learning grounded in Oregon Coast environments and communities

• Empower students to make change in their lives and communities

• Engage in real-world issues and authentic projects through community partners

• Highlight interdisciplinary connections between social and ecological systems


The Coast Connections program will go beyond traditional curricula that offer a series of activities with no clear connection or purpose. Each grade level will be organized around one Focus Ecosystem and 3-4 Essential Questions to investigate – based on NGSS, developmental appropriateness, and work being done by community partners. While providing a structural framework for teachers to work in, the program will also be flexible and adaptable based on individual classroom needs and emerging opportunities.

Materials for each grade level will include:

• Extensive background information on social and ecological concepts

• One or more community partners who have committed to providing classroom visits, field trips, or other resources

• A suggested timeline of classroom and field trip activities with daily objectives

• A list of ready-to-go lesson plans and activities to choose from

• Resources for producing an authentic final project and engaging outside audiences