
Peer Reviewed Articles

Accepted and Forthcoming. "Goldilocks' Purgatory: The Public Transcript of Performative Governance in Singapore." Pacific Affairs.

2024. "Agents of Resistance: Resolve and Repertoires Against Autocratization in Asia." Democratization. 31(3): 513-530. (with Nhu Truong and Maggie Shum)

2024. "Civil Society Collective Action Under Authoritarianism: Divergent Collaborative Equilibriums for Political Reform in Malaysia and Singapore." Democratization. 31(3): 551-574. (with Syazwi bin Rahmad)

2022. "What are We Voting For? Opposition Alliance Joint Campaigns in Electoral Autocracies." Party Politics. 28(5): 954-967.

2021. "Online Repression and Self-Censorship: Evidence from Southeast Asia." Government and Opposition. 56(1): 141-162.

2020. "Urban versus Rural Voters in Malaysia: More Similarities than Differences." Contemporary Southeast Asia. 42(1): 28-57.

2019. "Committed or Conditional Democrats? Opposition Dynamics in Electoral Autocracies." American Journal of Political Science. 63(4): 948-963. (with Jennifer Gandhi)

2019. "Language Politics, Education, and Ethnic Integration: The Pluralist Dilemma in Singapore." Politics, Groups, and Identities. 7(1): 89-108. (with Kai Ostwald and Dimitar Gueorguiev)

2018. "Electoral Manipulation, Opposition Power, and Institutional Change: Contesting for Electoral Reform in Singapore, Malaysia, and Cambodia." Electoral Studies. 54(2018): 159-171. 

2016. "Opposition Coordination in Singapore's 2015 General Elections." The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs. 105(2): 185-194.

2015. "Complementary Institutions in Authoritarian Regimes: The Everyday Politics of Constituency Service in Singapore." Journal of East Asian Studies. 15(3): 361-390.

2014. (with Mou Hui Tim) "Singapore's 2011 General Elections and Beyond: Beating the PAP at their Own Game." Asian Survey. 54(4): 749-772.

Book Chapters

2024. "Unequal Political Representation in the Federation of Malaysia: Singapore's Entry and Exit from 1963-1965." in Amy Liu and Joel Selway (eds.) State Institutions, Civic Associations, and Identity Demands: Regional Movements in Greater Southeast Asia. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Weiser Center for Emerging Democracies.

2021. "The Progress Singapore Party in GE2020: Its History, Organization, Campaign, and Performance in Comparative Perspective." in Kevin Tan and Terence Lee (eds.) Voting in a Time of Change: Singapore's 2020 General Election. Singapore: Ethos Books.

2019. "'10 Years Under Pakatan is Better Than 50 Years Under UMNO/BN': Pre-Electoral Conflict and Campaign Rhetoric in Selangor" in Edmund Terence Gomez and Nawab Mohamed Osman (eds.), Malaysia's 14th General Election and UMNO's Fall: Intra-Elite Feuding in the Pursuit of Power. Routledge.