About Me

Between 2003 to 2006, I worked as a court clerk at the Subordinate Military Courts as part of my mandatory military service in the Singapore Armed Forces. Since then, I have interned in various parts of the Singapore bureaucracy, such as at the Health Sciences Authority, the ASEAN Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Strategic Policy Office at the Prime Minister's Office, and at the Civil Service College. I have also interned in private sector companies such as Maxxium Fine Wines and Spirits, and Exclusive Analysis, a London-based political risk consultancy firm.

When I was an undergraduate at Singapore Management University, I was actively involved in theatre production. I was, at various times, a stage manager, a scriptwriter, a set designer, and a props manager. I have participated in, and love, the Short and Sweet Festival. In my final year in college, I was the producer of 老九, a play by the legendary Singaporean playwright Kuo Pao Kun.

I enjoy traveling, and have backpacked with friends through Turkey, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland, and Ireland.