Texas Heritage
Descendants of JW & EJR Truitt
Truitt Cousins Reunion Association & Friends
SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, June 15, 2024
Our annual Truitt Cousins Reunion for 2024, is again scheduled for the third Saturday of June, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the John Wingate & Elizabeth Robinson TRUITT 1839 Texas land grant Log Cabin, Frontier Park, located at 7777 FM 144, in Jenkins, Texas which is five miles south of Daingerfield or five miles north of Lone Star and 1 mile west of US 259. Our agenda will begin with registration of all participants, a cabin and grounds tour, a sit-down business meeting, a large Truitt picture in front of cabin and a Clark Cemetery graves tour of John Wingate & Elizabeth Truitt’s and four of their seven children as well as many of their grand and great grandchildren.
This year, all our many Truitt Cousins are looking forward to celebrating the 184th year for our Truitt ancestors settling in Jenkins after migrating from Etowah County, Alabama and DeKalb County, Tennessee. Last year our attendance consisted of sixty-eight loving relatives and supportive friends. Many of these had never attended before, while others had enjoyed participating up to a dozen years, some with three generations of family members. For 2024, we would like to solicit your help in increasing our reunion’s attendance in light of declining national Christian family values. So, please help by using this occasion to renew and/or educate our younger descendants of their industrious Truitt, Robinson, Holland, Fite/Vogt, Cross, Dale, Barnes, Evans, Wingate, Henry, Southall, Scruggs, Furneau, Merryman, Thompson, Ford, and other ancestral lineages. Since entering this land in 1640, our Truitt’s and other ancestors have developed and defended our nation’s freedom and capitalism. At this time, you and I are the most important links our ancestors have for passing along or severing knowledge to our descendants of the rich heritage our family contributed through educators, pastors, physicians, dentists, contractors, pharmacists, merchants, accountants, farmers, ranchers, engineers, as well as American fighting military forces due to faith and obedience to Almighty God.
In past years we have enjoyed many varied reunions with Confederate military reenactments honoring our Civil War veterans, slide show presentations of DeKalb County, TN, ancestral sites in Liberty and Dowel Town, presentation and sale of Jim and Reva’s 2” volume of J.W Truitt descendants numbering over 2K, presentation of Bert and John’s “175th Anniversary of the Truitt‘s in Jenkins”, unveiling of the Truitt Cabin oil painting in the Morris County Courthouse, etc. This year’s event is also going to be unique and transitional. Due to my now having served as your reunion president/chairman for a dozen years and due to being 82yrs/going on 136yrs of age, I will no longer serve you in this capacity. My son, Walter Truitt and I are asking you to prayerfully consider serving as a member of a four-to-six-member, Truitt Cousins Board or as president for just two or three years. The heritage of our association and its Texas historic cabin are neither self-sustaining or perpetuating, but requires committed responsibility, leadership, and work to endure.
I only wish Dr. Crawford S. Truitt, Betty Ruth Bass, Reva & Jim Truitt, Preston Curry, and so many, many others who have so richly contributed to these Truitt Cousins Reunions over the past 90 yrs. could once more be with us to witness how we have been blessed and now today will again show family strength and commitment for our future generations. For, we never know when a long running family tradition of reunions and for its historic family artifacts might terminate due to our own declining family commitment and to a national decline in FAITH, FAMILY and FREEDOM as we as a nation witness the pivoting away from God.
Very Respectfully,
Dale & all your Truitt Cousins
2023 Truitt Cousins Reunion
This year the 2023 Truitt Cousins Reunion was held Saturday, June 17 at 10:00 a.m. (CST) at the Truitt Log Cabin in Jenkins, Texas. A free lunch of turkey and dressing was provided. View the many cabin improvements courtesy of cousin Dale. Thank you for joining us as we honored the legacy of John Wingate and Elizabeth who settled in the Republic of Texas under conditions most if us can’t even imagine.
This site is dedicated to the Truitt cousins and others who have helped restore and preserve the family cabin and legacy of the Truitt family. It is estimated that to-date there have been over 7,000 past and present cousins that can be traced from this humble beginning.
We also have a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/TruittHeritage) where you can see photo albums from the Reunions.)
Home Page Contents

179th Anniversary of the Truitt Family in Texas!
2020 marks the 179th Anniversary of John Wingate Truitt and his family's arrival and settling in Texas. John Wingate and his wife Elizabeth Jennings Robinson Truitt and their children constructed a cabin in 1840 at a location now known as Jenkins, in Morris County, Texas. The homestead was granted by the Republic of Texas, Land Grant #68/1839.
Official & Public Congratulations
Below are some congratulations and public commemorations of the Texas Truitt's 175th Anniversary:
Family History Documents
175th Anniversary Truitt Family History Book
Those that attended received a copy of the first published edition of the 175th Anniversary Truitt Family History Book (Descendants of John Wingate and Elizabeth Jennings Robinson Truitt). For those that were not able to attend, we are making the Anniversary Book available online. Please click here or on the image to the right to read the book.
Truitt Cabin Walking Tour Guidebook
◀ For those that were not able to pick up one at the reunion and would like a Truitt Cabin Walking Tour Guidebook (either for reference or if you are interested in touring our historic family cabin) we have provided it (click on image to the left to read online).
Truitt Cemeteries
For those of you who might be interested in visiting cemeteries where our Truitt ancestors are buried, we have provided an interactive map and location information for cemeteries within a relatively short driving distance of the Truitt cabin. Please click on the image to the right to access. ▶
Video tour of Historical Truitt Cabin

◀ Watch video of Dale Truitt providing a walk-through tour of the restored historical Truitt homestead cabin.
Truitt Cousins' Reunion Group Photos
The 2019 reunion was wonderful.
2018 Reunion group photo at the Log Cabin.
The Truitt Cousins Reunion Location
The Truitt Cousins Reunion is held annually the third Saturday of June at 10:00am at the South Union Baptist Church in Jenkins, Texas. For further location information and directions, please visit the section on the Truitt Cousins' Reunion.