
Weekly homework for Econometrics, 2019

Homework 1: distributed in class. Due date is March 14, Thursday.

The new deadline is March 19, Tuesday.

Homework 2: Solve Exercises 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.13(a),(b) from the textbook. Deadline is March 26 (Tuesday).

Homework 3: Solve Exercise # 4.1 (a),(b),(c), # 4.2 (a),(b),(c), # 4.3 (a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(g), # 4.11. Due date is April 4 (Thursday).

Homework 4: Find it here. Due date is April 11 (Thursday).

(Note) In Exercise 4.5, there are some confusing words or typos in the question. The “examination times” in line 5 of the question means “nap times”. In line 7, it should be "Y_i = 0, . . . , 100." In (d), it should be "an additional 5 minutes of sleep."

Homework 5: Find it here. Due date is April 18 (Thursday).

Correction) In Exercise 3,5, the textbook says that p_hat denotes the fraction for "Candidate B". It is a typo. It is a sample fraction for "Candidate A".

Homework 6: Part I) Solve Exercise 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 from the textbook. Part II) Solve Ex 5 from 2018 spring midterm exam.

Data can be found in 'Data and R code' page. Due date is April 23 (Tuesday).

Homework 7: Find it here. Due date is May 9, Thursday.

Homework 8: Solve Exercise 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4. Due date is May 16 (Thursday).

Homework 9: Find it here. Due date is May 23, Thursday.

Homework 10: Find it here. Due date is June 4 (Tuesday).

Homework 11: Solve Exercises 7.7 and 7.9. This is for your own exercise. Do NOT submit your solution. You will get my solution on Thursday, July 13.