
Contributions to the church can be made in a number of ways.

Sunday Mornings:

Contributions may be placed in the designated receptacle near the front of the auditorium, either before or after worship.

Mailed in:

Contributions may be mailed via the USPS to

Fred Schmitz, Sr.,

2646 Douglas Hwy.

Juneau, AK, 99801

You may also hand your contribution to Fred Schmitz, Sr. if you see him in person before or after Sunday worship.


The congregation may receive offerings via PayPal through a special financial email address for the congregation: Please try to designate your PayPal payment as a “GIFT” if you can. If it is not designated as a “GIFT” the church is likely to incur a transaction fee of nearly 3%. If you are notified by the church that your contributions are incurring a fee you are still welcome continue to use PayPal, but you may consider increasing your contribution accordingly cover the cost of the fee.

The church may consider alternative electronic payment methods in the future as the landscape changes. All contributions made through PayPal are used for general expenditures (no targeted contributions).

May you and your contribution glorify our God as we faithfully serve Him together.