A Website for the
Juneau Church of Christ
Jesus Christ is Lord!
We would see Jesus. John 12:21
Consider the following thoughts a warm invitation to walk with Christ through this present age and on into the age to come!
We expect simply to be disciples of Christ. We make no claims to be the only Christians, but we do want to be Christians only. We are disinterested in sectarian or denominational agendas; so our scope remains nondenominational while we maintain fellowship with Christians and like-minded congregations elsewhere.
As the Bible is God's inspired word, we allow it alone to define our faith and practice rather than to ascribe to any creedal statement of faith. This requires, therefore, a meaningful involvement on the part of each member in Bible study: individuals must "work out their own salvation in fear and trembling." Philippians 2:12.
We have a deep concern for wholeness, for unity in the religious world believing that unity comes through personal commitment to follow Bible teaching, rather than through negotiation among church organizations, and rather than through the pursuit of one's own personal agenda. The wholeness we seek has universal scope: oneness with God and with all God's creation, "things in heaven and things on earth." Ephesians 1:10.
That wholeness begins in the good news that, though Jesus Christ died for our sins and was buried, God brought him back to life to live for ever. This integration of all things in God finally will be complete only in the age to come. 1 Corinthians 15:20-28.
Distance Bible study for all: World Bible School .
Juneau Church of Christ YouTube video channel.
Members: Find us at Facebook (closed group).
Lesson Recordings
Phone Bible study app info Mathetis app .