Meeting Times
10:00 AM Age appropriate Bible classes
Nursery:Â 6months - 2years in Room 2
Ages 3years - 2nd grade in Room 4
Elementary - 3rd - 5th grades in Room 5
Middle School (6th - 8th grades) in Room 7
High School (9th - 12th grades) in Teen Room 9
Adults - in the Annex (main room)
11:00 AM Assembly to worship and fellowship
Mid Week Gatherings
Mid Week Gatherings
Tuesdays 12-1pm - Men's Brown Bag Lunches in the Annex
Wednesday 7-8pm - ** Will resume later
Thursdays 10am - Ladies' Bible Class in the Annex (Lunch to follow - Husbands & Guests invited!)
Monthly Sunday Events
Monthly Sunday Events
1st Sunday Noon Potluck (Annex)
2nd Sunday Care Groups (various homes)
3rd Sunday 5:30pm Singing (Auditorium)
4th Sunday 5:30pm Placeholder
5th Sunday 5:30pm Singing our favorite songs by request (Auditorium)