
The LilyPad Arduino is a micro controller that can be sewn into clothing and other wearable items, and can be used with conductive thread. The LilyPad also has many sensors, LEDs, and buttons, of which the main ones are labeled above. This tutorial teaches the user how to perform basic functions on the LilyPad through LabVIEW.

This tutorial starts off with some buttons and sensors on the computer screen that the user can test out to see how the LilyPad reacts, as shown below.

The tutorial then includes code in LabVIEW for the user to play around with and test out, to see how LabVIEW works with the LilyPad. The two simple programs are the same as those used for the Arduino and BeagleBone.

Lastly, the tutorial gives the user challenges to create their own code, including hints and solutions for each challenge.