
The BeagleBone is a high-level microprocessor that contains built-in hardware capable of running a mini-computer (think searching the internet, and being able to watch a video). This JumboBooks tutorial will cover the basics about how to control the LEDs on the BeagleBoard through BotSpeak in LabVIEW.

The tutorial starts off with introducing the user to turning on and off the LEDs on the board, through pressing buttons on the screen of your computer (see image of LEDs and buttons below).

Then, the tutorial gives the user two basic pieces of code in LabVIEW (the same ones as in the Arduino tutorial) to play around with, so that the user can familiarize himself or herself this programming language. Below is one of the sample pieces of code.

Finally, the user gets to try some challenges and write their own code, with hints and an example solution included.