Central banks in the Media and expectations
Media treatment of monetary policy surprises, and their impact on firms and households' expectations (with Evzen Kocenda) (available as CESifo Working Paper N°104123, link) Journal of Money Credit and Banking (link) See presentation at CEBRA, from min 32" clicking here (youtube)
Media sentiment on Monetary Policy: determinants and relevance for financial markets' inflation expectations, 2022 (with Matthieu Picault and Thomas Renault, Orléans and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University) (old version available here on SSRN), Journal of International Money and Finance (link)
Central bank losses
How can financial constraints force a central bank to exit a currency peg? An application to the Swiss Franc peg, 2022 (with Marc Pourroy, IMF consultant and University of Poitiers) Journal of Macroeconomics (link)
Does central bank financial strength really matter for inflation? The key role of the fiscal support, Open Economies Review, November 2018, vol. 29, pp 911-952 (link)
Monetary policy transmission
Monetarist arithmetic at Covid-19 time: a take on how not to misapply the quantity theory of money, 2021 Economic Notes (link)
The Eurozone deposit rates' puzzle: choosing the right benchmark (with Charles Boissel, HEC Paris - Harvard University), Economics Letters, November 2016, vol. 148, pp 33-36 (link to Economics Letters article) (long version)
Work in progress:
What people believe about monetary finance and what we can't do about it: evidence from a large-scale multi-country experiment (with Cars Hommes -Bank of Canada, University of Amsterdam- and Isabelle Salle -Bank of Canada, University of Amsterdam- ) available as a Bank of Canada Working Paper. I thank I. Salle for writing the whole paper (link) presented at the ASSA meeting 2023 (program) - CESifo Venice Summer Institute Workshop 2023 (program)
Media reports on central banks and citizens (with M. Picault and W. Ghazouani)
Disappointing central bank announcements (with Matthieu Picault)
Central banks in the media
Communications / presentations:
- International conferences:
49th Symposium of the Spanish Economic Association (SAEe), December 2024, Palma, Illes Balears, Spain
VII Workshop of the Spanish Macroeconomics Network, October 2024, Madrid (see Program)
4th Workshop on Financial Econometrics and Empirical Modeling of Financial Markets: New Challenges for Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, October 7 and 8, 2024, Technical University of Freiberg (Program)
31st Finance Forum of the Spanish Finance Association, July 2024, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
Innsbruck Workshop on Empirical Macroeconomics 2024, April 2024, Innsbruck (see Program)
2023 and before:
CESifo Venice Summer Institute Workshop 2023, June 2023, Venise, Italy (program)
Ifo Dresden Workshop on Macro and Int. Finance, April 2023, Germany (program)
CEBRA (Central Bank Research Association) 2022 Annual Meeting at University Pompeu Fabra, August 2022, Barcelona, Spain (presenter, program). See my presentation from min 32" clicking here (youtube)
ICEA inflation conference, January 27-28, 2022, (Program)
International Monetary Fund, internal seminar at the Research Department, January 27, 2020, Washington, USA
38th International Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, annual meeting of the European Research Group (GdRE) on Money Banking and Finance , June 2022, Strasbourg, France (Program)
3rd Workshop on Macroeconomic Research, September 23-24, 2021, Cracow University (Program)
CEBRA (Central Bank Research Association) 2019 Annual Meeting at Columbia University & NY Fed, 18-20 July 2019, New York City, USA (discussant)
36th international synopsium on Money Banking and Finance, annual meeting of the European Research Group (Gdre) on Money Banking and Finance, 12-14 June 2019, Besancon, France (Program)
21st INFER Annual Conference, 5-7 June 2019, Brussels, Belgium
PUC Rio, seminar, November 2018, Brazil
Universidad Di Tella, seminar, 16 October 2018, Argentina (link)
EAFIT Medellin, seminar, 23 May 2018, Medellin, Colombia (link)
Universidad del Norte, seminar, 18 May 2018, Baranquilla, Colombia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, seminar, 25 April 2018, Bogota, Colombia
ADRES doctoral conference, ENSAE / Polytechnique, 8-9 February 2018, Paris, France (Program). Proposition of funding grant for the American job market by the organizers.
34th international synopsium on Money Banking and Finance, annual meeting of the European Research Group (Gdre) on Money Banking and Finance, 5-6 July 2017, Nanterre, Paris, France (Program)
Conference "Monetary Policy Challenges from a Small Country Perspective", 23-24 November 2016, National Bank of Slovakia (NBS), Bratislava, Slovakia (Program)
33rd international synopsium on Money Banking and Finance, annual meeting of the European Research Group (Gdre) on Money Banking and Finance, 7-8 July 2016, CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand, France (Program)
23rd annual conference of the Multinational Finance Society, 26-29 June 2016, Stockholm Business School, Stockholm, Sweden (Program)
65th annual meeting of the AFSE (co-author present), 27-29 June 2016, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France (Program)
The 47th Money, Macro and Finance Research Group Annual Conference, 9-11 September 2015, Cardiff University, UK (Program)
8th South-Eastern European Economic Research Workshop, 3-4 December 2014, Bank of Albania, Tirana, Albania (Program)
- Local seminars / workshops:
Coimbra University, seminar, March 2, 2022, Portugal
NIPE University of Minho, seminar, May 2021, Portugal
4th Workshop on Macroeconomic Research, June 22-23, 2020, Cracow University (Program)
Paris School of Economics, Macro Workshop PSE, 9 november 2017, France
Corvinus University, seminar, 25 October 2017, Hungary
National Bank of Slovakia, seminar, 19 October 2017, Slovakia
Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days 2017 14th edition, 27-28 April 2017, Université de Strasbourg (Program), discussant Jamel Trabelsi (Université de Strasbourg), keynote speaker Philippe Aghion (Harvard - LSE). Awarded the 2nd best paper prize.
Doctoral Workshop in Economics, 2 December 2016, Université de Namur
Labex Refi research seminar, 10 November 2016, Université Paris 1 (Program)
Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days 2016 13th edition, 21-22 April 2016, Université de Strasbourg (Program), discussant Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira (Université de Strasbourg)
Doctorissimes workshop, 17 November 2015, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France (Program), discussant Gunther Capelle-Blancard (Paris 1)
CRIEF seminar, 12 November 2015, University of Poitiers, France
The Autumn Doctoral Workshop, 16 October 2015, Saint-Louis University, Belgium (Program)
Tinbergen PhD seminar, 24 June 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Program)
- Conference organizer:
First CEREC workshop on Banking and Monetary Policy, 20 May 2016, Saint-Louis University, Belgium (Program)
Discussions at conferences (main):
My discussion of the IMF chapter "Global disinflation in an era of constrained monetary policy" (link - to read in diaporama mode)
Reviewer for...:
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking; Journal of International Money and Finance; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Open Economies Review; Scottish Journal of Political Economy; International Journal of Finance and Economics; Revue d'Economie Politique