
June 14-17 2024: I will be presenting two of my current projects at the EEFS conference, in Athens, Greece 

June 18-20 2024: I will be presenting two of my current projects at INFER, in Chania, Greece (see Program)

April 4-5 2024: I will be presenting my work with Matthieu Picault "Market disappointment with central bank announcements" at the Innsbruck Workshop on Empirical Macroeconomics (see Program)

February 29 2024: I will be presenting my work with Matthieu Picault "Market disappointment with central bank announcements" internally, at the University of Alicante

January 2024: my co-author Matthieu Picault succesfully obtained, for our common project "The ECB in the European newspapers",  a 8000€ grant support by the MSH Val de Loire region