Video Scenario 6: Using statistical results to identify questions of interest

Statistical analysis may be used in an exploratory way to identify specific comparisons or questions for which to focus a report or future research. In this video, a collaborator requests that the statistician assist with “finding what’s significant and important” to drive the current research findings. This video encourages discussion about assuming good intentions, the importance of distinguishing between a priori and post hoc comparisons (or exploratory and confirmatory analysis), and the ASA’s Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice.

Keywords: Secondary data analysis; funding; identifying objectives; ethics; teaching

Video (4.27 minutes)


Discussion questions


To cite the videos, scripts, and discussion questions, please use the following citation:

  • Sharp, J. L., Griffith, E., and Higgs, M. D. (2021). “Setting the stage: statistical collaboration videos for training the next generation of applied statisticians,” Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29(2): 165-170.

To cite this video, please use the text:

      • Sharp, J.L., Griffith, E., and Higgs, M. (2020). Using statistical results to identify questions of interest [Video file].