Video Scenario 10 - Pseudoreplication and refusal to use a statistician's advice

Statisticians may contribute work that is reasonable and sound, only to ultimately have a collaborator ignore the contributions. This may be because the methods used do not align with researcher perceptions of norms in their discipline, or due to outside pressure from advisors, reviewers, funding agencies, or others. This video portrays a statistician in such a situation and elicits discussion of ethical questions, such as how a statistician should be acknowledged for work, particularly if they disagree with the approach ultimately used. The scenario can also lead to more technical discussions about pseudoreplication.

Keywords: Pseudoreplication; publication with atypical analyses; discipline norms; co-authorship; ethics; acknowledgement for contributions; establishing professional boundaries; professional ethics

Video (5.44 minutes)


Discussion questions


To cite the videos, scripts, and discussion questions, please use the following citation:

  • Sharp, J. L., Griffith, E., and Higgs, M. D. (2021). “Setting the stage: statistical collaboration videos for training the next generation of applied statisticians,” Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29(2): 165-170.

To cite this video, please use the text:

      • Sharp, J.L., Griffith, E., and Higgs, M. (2020). Pseudoreplication and refusal to use a statistician's advice [Video file].