Letter of recommendation questions

If I have agreed to write you a letter of recommendation, please email me the following documents and answer the following questions at least two weeks before the first letter is due:

  • Documents

    • A copy of your transcript (unofficial)

    • A copy of your resume

    • A copy of your personal statement (if applicable)

    • All necessary forms and login information (if applicable)

  • Questions

    • What is your full name and major?

    • For what are you applying (scholarship, graduate school, job)?

    • List the places to which you are applying, with due dates. If you are applying to graduate school, what is the specific program? Please be specific about how I will submit the recommendation letter.

    • For what class(es) have I been the instructor that you took, what final grade(s) did you earn, and how did you distinguish yourself in my class(es)?

    • Please choose four adjectives that you think describe you well and provide a brief self-recommendation.

    • What are some of your academic accomplishments?

    • What are some of your nonacademic accomplishments?

    • What makes me particularly qualified to write a letter for you?

    • What makes you particularly qualified for this position/honor/award?

    • What are your long-term goals?

    • Please provide additional comments on your application (REU's, summer research, interesting jobs, hobbies, etc.).

Please send me email reminders as deadlines approach. I am happy to chat with you about creating a smooth letter writing process for you and your letter writers.

Julia SharpAssociate ProfessorDirector, Graybill Statistical LaboratoryDepartment of StatisticsColorado State University1877 Campus DeliveryFort Collins, CO 80524-1877970.491.1083julia.sharp at colostate dot edu
*Content derived from Michael Orrison at Harvey Mudd College, Nicholas Horton at Amherst College, and Jo Hardin at Pomona College.