Recent and upcoming talks

'Hegel über Schmerz und Selbstbewusstsein', Workshop Hegel über das Ich, Heidelberg, November 2024.

'Kant on Moral Character as a Regulative Idea', Conference on Regulative Ideas in Kantian and Post-Kantian Philosophy, Potsdam, October 2024.*

'Maimon's Critique of Kant's Moral Philosophy', Conference Maimon's Mature Philosophy - Perspectives after 1790, Heidelberg, September 2024.*

'Charakter und Zeitlichkeit in der Narrativen Ontologie', Conference Narrative Ontologie - Internationale Tagung zum Buch von Axel Hutter,  LMU München, Juli 2024.*

'Schmerz, Ausdruck, Stimmung: Aspekte von Hegels Theorie der Verkörperung', Conference Die geistige Natur des Menschen - dialektische und negative Anthropologie im Dialog, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, June 2024.*

'Kant und Fichte über moralische Verantwortung', Forschungsstelle für klassische deutsche Philosophie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, May 2024.*

'Kant und Fichte über moralische Verantwortung', Institutskolloquium Philosophie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, April 2024.*

'Kant und Fichte über moralische Verantwortung', Institutskolloquium Philosophie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, December 2023.*

'Kant und Fichte über moralische Verantwortung', Workshop New Work on Kant's and Fichte's Practical Philosophy, Universität Heidelberg, November 2023.

'Kant and Hegel on Human Natural Drives and Inclinations', Joint Conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain/UK Kant Society, Oxford, September 2023.*

'Hegel on Embodied Cognition', Conference Embodiment of Reason, Reason of the Body, University of Heidelberg, July 2023.*

'Hegel und Löwith über das Unbewusste', Conference Das Nächstliegende denken - Eine Tagung über den Heidelberger Philosophen Karl Löwith, University of Heidelberg, May 2023.*

'Hegel’s Hermeneutics of Action', Workshop Hegel's Hermeneutics, University of Padova, May 2023.*

'Hegels praktische Philosophie', Ringvorlesung on the History of Philosophy, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, January 2023.*

'Comments on Allen Speight', Conference Hegel’s Aesthetics, Boston University, October 2022.*

'Herausforderungen für Hegels Philosophie des Geistes', Institutskolloquium, University of Tübingen, June 2022.*

'Challenges for Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind', Conference Kant's and Hegel's Theoretical Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin, June 2022.*

'The Significance of Expression' (with Krisztina Orban and Hong Yu Wong), Conference New Themes in the Philosophy of Perception, Turin, June 17, 2021.*

'Fichte on Moral Development and Transformation' (with Karin Nisenbaum), Leuven Seminar on Classical German Philosophy, June 10, 2021.*

'Hegel on Human Color and Sound Perception', Conference Hegel on Empirical Judgment, University of Chicago/FAGI Leipzig, June 5, 2021 (keynote).*

'Comments on Katharina Kraus: Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation', Pacific APA, April 2021.* 

'Hegel, Naturalism, and Expressivity', Kolloquium Tobias Rosefeldt, HU Berlin, February 2021.*

'Comments on Katharina Kraus: Kant on Self-Knowledge and Self-Formation', Eastern APA, Panel Society of German Idealism and Romanticism, January 2021.* 

'Kant on Gesinnung and Moral Character’, Workshop on Kant on the Self: Moral and Psychological Dimensions (organisiert von Julia Peters und Katharina Kraus), University of Notre Dame, September 2019.

‘Kant on Gesinnung and Moral Character’, UNCUT conference, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, September 2019.*

‘Hegel, Bodily Expression, and Transformative Theories of Human Nature’, Workshop on Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy, University of Padova, July 2019.*

‘Moral Character, Commitment, and Persistence’, Workshop on The Virtues and Practical Reason, University of Udine, December 2018.*

‘Hegel and the Science of Human Nature: The Case of Bodily Expression‘, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, October 2018.* 

‘Ancient Sculptures, Modern Selves: Hegel on Understanding Ourselves through Classical Works of Art', Annual Conference of The Hegel Society of Great Britain, Oxford, September 2018.* 

‘Kant's Gesinnung’, Conference on Kant's Religion, University of Leipzig, June 2018.* 

‘Ancient Sculptures, Modern Selves: Hegel on Understanding Ourselves through Classical Works of Art', Conference on Hegel on Absolute Spirit, FU Berlin, June 2018.* 

Comments on Paul Kottman's Love as Human Freedom, New School for Social Research, 8 May 2018.* 

Comments on Lydia Goehr's ‘Painting in Waiting’, New York German Idealism Workshop, Columbia University, New York, 20 April 2018.* 

‘Character, Virtue and Moral Choice in Kant and Recent Neo-Kantian Accounts’, Fordham University, New York, 16 March 2018.* 

‘Bodily Expression and the Limits of Hegelian Naturalism’, Workshop on Norms and Nature in Hegel, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, January 2018.* 

‘Hegel and Goethe on the Symbolism of Color’, Workshop ‘Goethe and Philosophy’', Tel Aviv University, December 2017.*

‘Hegel and the Problem of Bodily Expression’, New School for Social Research, New York, 12 October 2017.*

‘Hegel and the Problem of Bodily Expression’, New York German Idealism Workshop, Columbia University, New York, 29 September 2017.*

‘Der Körper als Zeichen der Seele: Hegel über körperlichen Ausdruck’, Kongress der Internationalen Hegel-Vereinigung ‘Zweite Natur’, Stuttgart, June 2017.* 

‘Kant's Gesinnung’, Leuven Kant Conference, Leuven, June 2017.  

‘Causal Concepts in Hegel's Philosophy of Mind’ (keynote), Workshop 'Causality in Hegel', LMU Munich, May 2017.* 

‘Self-expression, Nature and Art in Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit’, London Aesthetics Forum, University of London, March 2017.* 

‘What is Hegelian Naturalism?’, University of Oxford, January 2017.*

‘Hegel on Spirit, Nature, and the Function of Classical Art’, Conference 'Concepts of Aesthetic Form', Neubauer Collegium, University of Chicago, January 2017.*

‘Hegel's Theory of Tragedy’, Graduate and Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago, January 2017.*

‘Kant’s Gesinnung’, Colloquium Prof. Dr. Horn, Bonn, November 2016.*

‘Hegel on Winckelmann, Classical Sculpture and the Human Figure’, Conference ‘Contemporary and Historical Problems in the Aesthetics of Sculpture’, Oslo, October 2016.*

‘Menschliche Natur, zweite Natur und Kunst bei Hegel’, Conference ‘Die Kunst der zweiten Natur’, Frankfurt a. M., July 2016.*

Comments on Clinton Tolley,  First workshop of the DAAD Network on German Philosophy ‘The Unity of the Subject’, Cambridge, June 2016.*

‘Hegel on the Form and Content of Classical Art’, Conference ‘The Art of Hegel’s Aesthetics’, King’s College London, June 2016.*

‘On Teleology and its Relation to Mechanism’, 200th Anniversary Conference ‘G.W.F. Hegel’s Doctrine of Concept’, University College London, June 2016.*

‘Natural teleology and duties to oneself in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue’, 12th International Kant Congress, Vienna, September 2015.

'Naturalismus in Hegels Philosophie des Geistes', Philosophisches Kolloquium, University of Leipzig, May 2015.*

‘Natural teleology and duties to oneself in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue’, Conference ‘Purposiveness in Kant and German Idealism’, Leuven, November 2014.

‘Hegel on Habit in Ethical Life’, XXX. Internationaler Hegel Kongress, University of Vienna, April 2014.

‘Habit and Second Nature in Hegel’s Ethical Life’, University of Essex, Department of Philosophy Colloquium, November 2013.*

‘Hegel on Habit and the Actual Soul’, Conference of the British Society of the History of Philosophy, York, April 2013.

‘Habit, Virtue and Automaticity’, University of Vienna, January 2013.*

‘Habit, Virtue and Automaticity’, University of Duisburg-Essen, January 2013.*

*Indicates invited talk