Juha Kilponen

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New working paper 'Reading between the lines: Uncovering asymmetry in the central bank loss function' is now available here.

About me

I have been the Head of Monetary Policy and Research at the Bank of Finland's since November 2018 and I am a member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the European Central Bank System. My research encompassess topics in monetary policy, fiscal policy, labour market dynamics and macro-financial linkages. I have taught macroeconomics in the Finnish Doctoral Program in Economics.  Prior to my current position, I worked as the Head of Forecasting, a Research Advisor and as an Economist at the Bank of Finland's Research and  Forecasting Division.  

Before joining the Bank of Finland, I was an Economist at the  Government Institute for Economic Research (VATT).  I have held visiting positions in the Cass Business School in London in  2001, the Bank of Finland in 1999 and 2003 and the Directorate General  Research at the European Central Bank in autumn of 2007 and from 2009 to 2010. In 2011, I served as a Senior Economic Advisor at the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).  I have graduated from the European University Institute in 1999. 

I practice and teach martial arts at the Genbu-kai dojo in Helsinki and I am the past president of the Eira Rotary Club in Helsinki.