Selected Articles 


-"Unfair inequality and growth", The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, (2023), vol. 125, pp. 1056-1092 (with G. Marrero

 -"The COVID-19 shock on the labour market: poverty and inequality effects across Spanish regions", Regional Studies, (2023), vol. 57, pp. 814-828 (with J.C. Palomino and R. Sebastian) 

- "Inheritances and wealth inequality: a machine learning approach", Journal of Economic Inequality, (2022), vol. 20, pp. 27-51 (with P. Salas-Rojo)

- "Making the most of world talent for science? The Nobel Prize and Fields Medal experience", Scientometrics, (2022), vol. 127, pp. 813-847

- "Wealth inequality, intergenerational transfers and family background", Oxford Economic Papers, (2022), vol. 74, pp. 643-670 (with J.C. Palomino, G. Marrero and B. Nolan)

- Wage inequality and poverty effects of lockdown and social distancing in Europe”, European Economic Review, (2020), vol. 129, (with J.C. Palomino and R. Sebastián). 

Channels of inequality of opportunity: the role of education and occupation in Europe”, Social Indicators Research, (2019), vol. 143, pp. 1045-1074 (with J.C. Palomino and G. Marrero).

- “'One size doesn't fit all': a quintile regression analysis of the intergenerational income mobility in the U.S. (1980-2010)”, Journal of Economic Inequality, (2018), vol. 16, pp. 347-367 (with J.C. Palomino and G. Marrero).

- “Poverty and the Business cycle: the role of the intra-household distribution of unemployment”, Journal of Economic Inequality, (2017), vol. 15, pp. 47-73 (with L. Ayala and O. Cantó).

- “Empirical definition of social types in the analysis of inequality of opportunity: a latent class approach”, Social Choice and Welfare, (2015), vol. 44, pp. 673-701 (with P. Li Donni and Rosa-Dias, P.).

- A class of social welfare functions that depend on mean income and income polarization", The Review of Income and Wealth, (2015), vol. 61, pp. 422-439.

- The Gini coefficient: majority voting and social welfare”, Journal of Economic Theory, (2014), vol. 152, pp. 214-223 (with R. Salas).

-Inequality of Opportunity and Growth”, Journal of Development Economics, (2013), vol. 104, pp. 107-122 (with Marrero, G.).

- “Popular Support for Social Evaluations Functions”, Social Choice and Welfare, (2013), vol. 40, pp. 985-1014 (with Salas, R.).

- Inequality of opportunity in Europe, The Review of Income and Wealth, (2012), vol. 58, pp. 597-621 (with Marrero, G.).

- “Social preferences for national defence and police enforcement in Western Europe, Defence and Peace Economics, (2011), vol. 22, pp. 409-421 (with Prieto, J.).

- Quantifying fear: the social impact of terrorism, Journal of Policy Modeling, (2009), vol. 31, pp. 803-817 (with Prieto, J., Suárez, J. and Salas, R.).

- Partial equality-of-opportunity orderings, Social Choice and Welfare, (2008), vol. 31, pp. 435-456.

- “A study on the relationship between economic inequality and mobility”, Economics Letters, (2008), vol. 99, 1, pp. 111-114 (with  Prieto, J. and Salas, R.).

- “Partial Horizontal Inequity Orderings: A Non-parametric Approach, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, (2005), vol. 67, pp. 347-368 (with  Salas, R. and Perrote, I.).