

Desigualdad de oportunidades y movilidad intergeneracional en Canarias”, ISBN: 978-84-697-8363-4, Centro de Estudios de Desigualdad Social y Gobernanza (CEDESOG), Spain (2017) (with G.A. Marrero, M. Betancort, L. Cabrera, S. Darias, C.N. Pérez and D. Sánchez).

Edited Books

- “Opportunity, mobility and taxation”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (forthcoming). (with S. Bandyopadhyay)

- Desigualdad”, Fundación Ramón Areces, Spain (forthcoming). 

- Mobility and inequality trends”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (2023). (with S. Bandyopadhyay)

- Inequality, redistribution and mobility”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (2020). (with J. Bishop)

- “Inequality, taxation and intergenerational transmission”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (2018). (with J. Bishop)

- “Inequality after the 20th century”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (2016). (with J. Bishop)

- “Economic Well-Being and Inequality”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (2014). (with J. Bishop)

- “Inequality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement”, Emerald Books Publishing Limited, Bingley, UK (2011).

  Chapters in Books

 - “Desigualdad de oportunidades, in Desigualdad, Ed. J.G. Rodríguez, Fundación Ramón Areces, forthcoming, 2024 (with Marrero, G.). 

 - “Causas de la desigualdad, in Desigualdad, Ed. J.G. Rodríguez, Fundación Ramón Areces, forthcoming, 2024. 

 - “Equality of opportunity and inclusive growth”, in Progressive Lab for Sustainable Development, Ed. Ch. Cheuvart, E. Stetter, C. Dragomirescu and C. Casajuana, FEPS, SOLIDAR and S&D, pp. 301-325, 2017. 

- “Inequality … of opportunity and economic performance”, in Economic Mobility. Ed. A. Brown, D. Buchholz, D. Davis and A. González, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, pp. 385-419, 2016 (with Marrero, G.).

- Análisis y Determinantes de la desigualdad de oportunidades en España y Europa” in Meritocracia y Movilidad Social. Ed. A. Cabrales and M. Celentani, FEDEA, pp. 71-106, 2011 (with Marrero, G.). 

- Movilidad social y desigualdad económica in Integración Económica en Europa: Aspectos Macroeconómicos y Regionales. Ed. O. Bajo, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, pp. 215-225, 2007 (with Prieto, J. and Salas, R.).

- “Justicia Social y Redistribución in Estudio sobre Ética y Sistema Fiscal. Ed. S. Álvarez and P. Herrera, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, serie Documentos, pp 45-55, 2004 (with Salas, R.).

- Dominancia Estocástica e Inferencia Estadística de las Reformas Fiscales in Redistribución y Bienestar a través de la Imposición Directa sobre la Renta. Ed. J. F. Sánz and J. Onrubia, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, pp 59-88, 2003 (with Salas, R.).

- “Influencia cíclica sobre la distribución de la renta” in Revista Studia Carande. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, vol. 6, pp 317-38, 2001.