Other Articles

- "Desigualdad de las rentas de mercado en España: Procesos generadores y políticas", Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, (2023), vol. 105, pp. 37-61 (with R. Sebastian).

- "A multifaceted approach to earnings mobility comparisons", Research on Economic Inequality, (2023), vol. 30, pp. 165-184 (with J.A. Bishop and L. Zeager).

- "COVID-19 restrictions in the US: wage vulnerability by education, race and gender", Applied Economics, (2022), vol. 54, pp. 2900-2915 (with B. Gambau, J.C. Palomino and R. Sebastian). 

- “Inequality of opportunity in Spain: new insights from new data”, Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics, (2021), vol. 237, pp. 153-185 (with Cabrera, L., G. Marrero and P. Salas-Rojo).

- "The distribution of wealth in Spain and the USA: the role of socioeconomic factors", SERIEs Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, (2021), vol. 12, pp. 389-421 (with P. Salas-Rojo).

- "Race and earnings mobility in the U.S.", Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, (2021), vol. 4, pp. 166-182 (with J.A. Bishop L. Zeager).

- "The measurement of wage discrimination with imperfect information: a finite mixture model", Research on Economic Inequality, (2020), vol. 28, pp. 187-204 (with J. Prieto-Rodríguez and R. Salas).  

- “Inequality of opportunity in an outermost region: the case of Canary Islands”, Island Studies Journal, (2019), vol. 14, pp. 23-42 (with M. Betancort, S. Darias, L. Cabrera, G. Marrero, C.N. Pérez and D. Sánchez).

- “Long-run factors influencing intergenerational perceived job status mobility”, Research on Economic Inequality (2018), vol. 26, pp. 219-246 (with J.A. Bishop and L. Haiyong).

- “Inequality, asymmetry and social welfare, and their relationship with the median-mean ratio”, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, (2016), vol. 24, pp. 129-150 (with R. Salas).

- “Macroeconomic determinants of inequality of opportunity in the US: 1970-2009”, Research on Economic Inequality, (2016), vol. 24, pp. 307-330 (with Marrero, G.).

- Majority voting and Gini-based social welfare: testing the hypothesis of symmetry, Applied Economics Letters, (2015), vol. 22, pp. 658-663 (with R. Salas).

- Cross-Country Intergenerational Status Mobility: Is There a Great Gatsby Curve?", Research on Economic Inequality, (2014), vol. 22, pp. 239-251 (with Bishop, J.A. and Haiyong, L.).

- “Inequality of opportunity in the U.S.: Trends and Decomposition”, Research on Economic Inequality, (2011), vol. 19, pp. 217-46 (with Marrero, G.).

- “Income mobility and economic inequality from a regional perspective”, Journal of Applied Economics, (2010), vol. XIII, pp. 335-350 (with Prieto, J. and Salas, R.). 

- “A theoretical model of wage discrimination with inspection fines”, Economics Bulletin, (2008), vol. 10, pp 1-9 (with  Prieto, J. and Salas, R.).

- “Is the dual income tax a real alternative to traditional income taxes?”, International Journal of Public Policy, (2006), vol. 1, 3, pp.320-332 (with  Álvarez, S. and Prieto, J.).


- “Descomposición Factorial de la Desigualdad de la Renta en España”, Revista de Economía Aplicada (2004), vol. 12, pp. 25-46

- “Polarization Characterization of Inequality-Neutral Tax Reforms”, Economics Bulletin, (2003), vol. 4, pp 1-7 (with  Prieto, J. and Salas, R.).

- “La Inequidad Horizontal y la Redistribución Vertical: un Análisis de Robustez”, Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics (2003), vol. 166, pp. 49-60 (with Perrote, I. and Salas, R.).

- “Extended Bi-polarization and Inequality Measures, Research on Economic Inequality, (2003), vol. 9, pp 69-83 (with Salas, R.).

- “Efectos redistributivos de las transferencias monetarias en los países de la Unión Europea”, Hacienda Pública Española/Review of Public Economics (2003), vol. 167, pp. 99-123 (with  Prieto, J. and Salas, R.).

- “¿Es el impuesto lineal sobre la renta políticamente viable en España?”, Cuadernos Aragoneses de Economía, (2003), vol. 13, pp. 31-50 (with  Prieto, J. and Salas, R.).