I am continually amazed by the ways in which the internet connects us to people all around the world. In that spirit, this page has a map showing the countries from which people visited this website in 2013. The map shows 5,923 unique visitors from 112 countries (countries listed below the map, 70 visitors from unknown locations). Approximately 70% of these visitors came to the site for the page with my notes on how to write functions in C and use them in Excel. These statistics come from Google Analytics and I do nothing additional to track or verify (e.g., no cookies), so the uniqueness of these unique visitors is subject to the standard limitations of that technology.

List of countries, ordered first by the number of unique visitors (descending), then alphabetically:

  1. United States (1753)

    1. United Kingdom (489)

    2. India (412)

    3. Germany (374)

    4. Canada (233)

    5. France (219)

    6. Netherlands (156)

    7. Australia (153)

    8. Italy (150)

    9. Brazil (134)

    10. Switzerland (87)

    11. Russia (77)

    12. Spain (77)

    13. Hong Kong (73)

    14. South Korea (71)

    15. (not set) (70)

    16. Singapore (68)

    17. Belgium (66)

    18. Taiwan (63)

    19. Denmark (58)

    20. Poland (56)

    21. Sweden (55)

    22. Japan (50)

    23. Finland (48)

    24. Mexico (47)

    25. Austria (40)

    26. Thailand (40)

    27. Israel (38)

    28. Vietnam (33)

    29. Czech Republic (32)

    30. Greece (32)

    31. Portugal (32)

    32. Malaysia (31)

    33. South Africa (30)

    34. Norway (29)

    35. Indonesia (28)

    36. Turkey (26)

    37. Romania (25)

    38. Argentina (24)

    39. Pakistan (23)

    40. Ukraine (23)

    41. Colombia (22)

    42. Hungary (21)

    43. Philippines (21)

    44. New Zealand (20)

    45. Chile (16)

    46. Iran (16)

    47. Ireland (15)

    48. Egypt (13)

    49. Slovakia (13)

    50. Slovenia (13)

    51. Bulgaria (12)

    52. United Arab Emirates (12)

    53. Saudi Arabia (11)

    54. Serbia (11)

    55. Sri Lanka (11)

    56. China (10)

    57. Croatia (10)

    58. Ecuador (9)

    59. Belarus (8)

    60. Morocco (8)

    61. Bangladesh (7)

    62. Estonia (7)

    63. Peru (6)

    64. Syria (6)

    65. Costa Rica (5)

    66. Algeria (4)

    67. Kenya (4)

    68. Lithuania (4)

    69. Tunisia (4)

    70. Uruguay (4)

    71. Venezuela (4)

    72. Albania (3)

    73. Bahrain (3)

    74. Ethiopia (3)

    75. Guatemala (3)

    76. Jordan (3)

    77. Mauritius (3)

    78. Oman (3)

    79. Qatar (3)

    80. Uganda (3)

    81. Angola (2)

    82. Armenia (2)

    83. Bolivia (2)

    84. Cambodia (2)

    85. El Salvador (2)

    86. Georgia (2)

    87. Iceland (2)

    88. Jamaica (2)

    89. Latvia (2)

    90. Malta (2)

    91. Nigeria (2)

    92. Panama (2)

    93. Yemen (2)

    94. Azerbaijan (1)

    95. Belize (1)

    96. Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)

    97. Côte d’Ivoire (1)

    98. Cyprus (1)

    99. Gabon (1)

    100. Isle of Man (1)

    101. Kazakhstan (1)

    102. Lebanon (1)

    103. Luxembourg (1)

    104. Monaco (1)

    105. Mongolia (1)

    106. Myanmar [Burma] (1)

    107. Nepal (1)

    108. Nicaragua (1)

    109. Paraguay (1)

    110. Sudan (1)

    111. Trinidad and Tobago (1)