

Last updated: 1 August 2014

Since: October 2012

What's new/更新履歴

08/01/14: a few images uploaded

09/15/13: links to Google image added

06/29/13: some videos, photos, & collocations uploaded; slides uploaded


0. Theoretical basis/理論的基盤

1. Sound/音

1.1. Animate sound/声

1.2. Inanimate sound/物音 New

2. Motion & activity/移動・活動

2.1. Step/足取り

2.2. Movement/動き New

2.3. Speed/速度

2.4. Activity/活動

3. Vision/視覚

4. Touch/触覚

5. Internal experience/内的感覚

5.1. Bodily feelings/身体感覚

5.2. Emotion/感情 New

6. Scale/程度

7. References/参考文献

(ぐるぐる/guruguru 'coiling', Osaka Univ at Suita)

This is an online encyclopedia of "mimetic" words (giongo/gitaigo) in Japanese mainly for learners of Japanese as a second language. We provide multimedial information (e.g., audio, pictures, videos, animations, collocation, metaphors, constructions, scenarios) that is useful to understand the meanings of mimetics. We hope you'll enjoy!


This project is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (#24720179, "A frame-semantic study of the peculiarities of sound-symbolic words using audiovisual experiments," 2012-2015, PI: Kimi Akita, Osaka University).

本プロジェクトは科学研究費補助金:学術研究助成基金助成金(若手研究(B))(#24720179,「視聴覚実験を用いたオノマトペの特殊性に関するフレーム意味論的研究」, 平成24~26年度, 研究代表者:秋田喜美(大阪大学))の助成を受けています。

尚、動画作成をお手伝いいただいた以下の方々に感謝致します。Special thanks: Hideki Goto, Naoki Kiyama, Irina Novikova, Shanshan She, Gunes Ustuner, & Kyosuke Yamamoto.

Copyright (c) 2022 Kimi Akita. All Rights Reserved.