Intermediate Macroeconomics

Econ 399 Intermediate Macroeconomics

Fall 2018

Dr. Joshua R. Hendrickson

University of Mississippi

    1. My Contact Information and Office Hours:
      1. Office: 229 N. Holman Hall
      2. Phone: ext. 7579
      3. Email:
      4. Office hours are Mondays from 9 - 11. If you cannot meet during this time, please make an appointment.
    2. Overview:
      1. The purpose of this class is to provide an overview of macroeconomics. I am going to do this in a somewhat unconventional way. Rather than simply going through various theoretical models for particular topics, my way of teaching this course is to introduce important topics and provide some theory, some history, and some evidence. We will simultaneously work through models and relevant papers (accessible to undergraduates) in the academic literature. My goal is to give students a practical overview of important topics in macroeconomics.
    3. Textbooks:
      1. Intermediate Macroeconomics by Julio Garín, Robert Lester, and Eric Sims. This book is available for free as a pdf here (Eric Sims’s website at Notre Dame). This book is denoted by GLS in the course outline below.
    4. Grades:
      1. The course will be based on two exams and approximately 4 or 5 problem sets. The exams will be worth 80% of your final grade (40% each). The problem sets will be worth the remaining 20% of your final grade. If you miss the first exam, there will not be a make-up exam; your final exam will count for 80% of your grade. Please note that this is not an invitation to skip the first exam. If you miss the exam, you must provide a valid excuse (a valid excuse is documented evidence that you missed class for what the university defines to be an excused absence).
    5. Student Disability Services:
      1. If you are entitled to any type of accommodation from Student Disability Services, please let me know as soon as possible. I am happy to provide any necessary accommodations. However, please note that these accommodations are not retroactive.
    6. Course Outline
      1. Below is an overview of the content that we will be studying in this course. For each subject, I list the relevant chapters in the required textbook as well as a list of supplemental readings. Note that I will often lecture on the supplemental readings.
        1. Preliminaries
            • Macroeconomic Data (GLS, Ch. 1)
            • What is a Model? (GLS, Ch. 2)
        2. The Pre-Industrial Economy
            • Heckscher, Eli F. 1954. An Economic History of Sweden. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Ch. 2 - 3.
            • Saving in a Storage Economy
        3. Economic Growth and Development
        4. Money and Exchange
        5. Money, Inflation, and Interest Rates (GLS, Ch. 20)
        6. Financial Markets and Asset Pricing
        7. Money and Business Cycles
        8. The Great Depression