Book Chapters
Daniel Bonneau and Joshua Hall, “45 Cigarettes, the Price Has Gone Up: Economics in Stalag 17,” in War Movies and Economics: Lessons from Hollywood’s Adaptations of Military Conflict by Laura J. Ahlstrom and Franklin Mixon, editors. New York, NY: Routledge 2020: 15-27. [.bib]
Judge Glock, Joshua Hall, and Marcus Witcher, "Structured Writing Assignments in an American Economic History Course," in Teaching Economics: Perspectives on Innovative Economics Education by Joshua Hall and Kerianne Lawson, editors. New York: Springer, 2019: 155-161. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “Higher-Education Accreditation: Market Regulation or Government Regulation Revisited,” in Unprofitable Schooling: Examining Causes of, and Fixes for, America’s Broken Ivory Tower by Todd J. Zywicki and Neal P. McCluskey, editors. Washington DC: Cato Institute, 2019: 65-83. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, Serkan Karadas, and Minh Tam Schlosky, “Spatial Spillover Effects of Debt Relief from the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative,” in Economic and Political Institutions and Development by Joshua Hall and Sara Harper, editors. New York: Springer, 2019: 145-166. [.bib]
Crystal Wong, J.R. Clark, and Joshua Hall, “Immigrant Ethnic Composition and the Adoption of Women’s Suffrage in the United States,” in Public Choice Analyses of American Economic History: Volume 2 by Joshua Hall and Marcus Witcher, editors. New York: Springer, 2018: 167-178. [.bib]
Russell S. Sobel and Joshua Hall, “In Loco Parentis: A Paternalism Ranking of the States,” in For Your Own Good: Paternalism, Taxes, and Fiscal Discrimination in the Twenty-First Century by Adam Hoffer and Todd Nesbit, editors. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center, 2018: 377-398. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “A ‘Model’ Model: McCloskey on the Craft of Economics,” in Ideas and Influence of Deirdre Nansen McCloskey. Volume IX in The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations. Beloit: Beloit College Press, 2017: 113-128. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, Robert Lawson and Saurav Roychoudhury, “Creating the Environment for Entrepreneurship through Economic Freedom,” in Public Policy, Productive and Unproductive Entrepreneurship: The Impact of Public Policy on Entrepreneurial Outcomes by Greg Randolph, Michael Tasto and Rob Salvino, editors. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017: 6-25. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, Dean Stansel, and Danko Tarabar, “Economic Freedom Studies: A Survey,” in Economic Behavior, Economic Freedom, and Entrepreneurship by Richard Cebula, Joshua Hall, Franklin Mixon, and James Payne, editors. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015: 38-50. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “Introduction,” in Economic Freedom and Economic Education, Ideas and Influence of James Gwartney. Volume VI in The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations. Beloit: Beloit College Press, October 2014: 9-16. [.bib]
Jamie Bologna and Joshua Hall, “Economic Freedom Research: Some Comments and Suggestions,” in Economic Freedom and Economic Education, Ideas and Influence of James Gwartney. Volume VI in The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations. Beloit: Beloit College Press, October 2014: 123-135. [.bib]
Emily Chamlee-Wright and Joshua Hall, “Some Brief Syllabus Advice for the Young Economist,” in Beyond the Margin: New Developments in Economic Education, Franklin J. Mixon, Jr., and Richard J. Cebula, editors. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2014: 76-87. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “Introduction,” in Institutions, Institutional Change, and Economic Development: Ideas and Influences of Timur Kuran. Volume V in The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations. Joshua Hall, editor. Beloit: Beloit College Press. 2013: 9-15. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Robert Lawson, “Comments on An Index of Freedom in the World,” in Towards a Worldwide Index of Human Freedom, Fred McMahon, editor. Vancouver, Fraser Institute, 2012: 107-109. [.bib]
Russell Sobel, J.R. Clark, and Joshua Hall, “The Sources of Economic Growth,” in Freedom and Prosperity in Tennessee, J.R. Clark, editor. Chattanooga: Scott L. Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, 2012: 17-45. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Adam Hoffer, “When it Comes to Taxes in Tennessee: Focus on Competitive Advantage,” in Freedom and Prosperity in Tennessee, J.R. Clark, editor. Chattanooga: Scott L. Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, 2012: 69-86. [.bib]
Art Carden and Joshua Hall, “Specific Tax and Subsidy Reforms to Promote Economic Progress in Tennessee,” in Freedom and Prosperity in Tennessee, J.R. Clark, editor. Chattanooga: Scott L. Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, 2012: 87-97. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, Ashley Harrison, Nathan Ashby, and Susan Douglass, “Reduce Labor Restrictions: From Occupational Licensing to School Choice,” in Freedom and Prosperity in Tennessee, J.R. Clark, editor. Chattanooga: Scott L. Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, 2012: 117-137. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Ashley Harrison, “Education Reform in Tennessee: Spending Money on What Matters,” in Freedom and Prosperity in Tennessee, J.R. Clark, editor Chattanooga: Scott L. Probasco Chair of Free Enterprise, 2012: 155-171. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, James Gwartney, and Robert Lawson, “Introduction: What Is Economic Freedom?” in Economic Freedom: Causes and Consequences, Joshua Hall and Robert Lawson, editors. Hauppage, NY: Nova Science, 2011: xi-xviii. [.bib]
Jerry Gustafson and Joshua Hall, “Formalism in Entrepreneurship Research: A Critique,” in Progress in Economic Research: Volume 20, Thomas L. Woulters, editor. Hauppage, NY: Nova Science, 2011: 295-306. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Justin Ross, “Housing and Urban Development, Department of,” in Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, James Ciment, editor. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 2010: 355-356. [.bib]
Scott Beaulier and Joshua Hall, “Anna Schwartz,” in Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, James Ciment, editor. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 2010: 729-730. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Elliott McNamee, “Council of Economic Advisers, U.S.,” in Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, James Ciment, editor. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 2010: 182-184. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Will Luther, “Ireland,” in Booms and Busts: An Encyclopedia of Economic History from Tulipmania of the 1630s to the Global Financial Crisis of the 21st Century, James Ciment, editor. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, 2010: 418-421. [.bib]
Jeb Bleckley and Joshua Hall, “School Choice and Post-Katrina New Orleans: An Analysis,” in After Katrina: The Political Economy of Disaster and Community Rebound, Emily Chamlee-Wright and Virgil Storr, editors. Northampton, MA: Edgar Elgar, 2010: 215-230. [.bib]
Benjamin VanMetre and Joshua Hall, “Property Rights and the Return to Capital,” in The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, Volume 2: Property Rights and Economic Prosperity, Emily Chamlee-Wright, editor. Beloit, WI: Beloit College Press, 2010: 81-94. [.bib]
Russell Sobel, Matt Ryan, and Joshua Hall, “Electoral Pressures and the Legal System: Friend or Foe?” in The Pursuit of Justice: Law and Economics of Legal Systems, Edward Lopez, editor. New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2010: 37-50. [.bib]
Scott Beaulier and Joshua Hall, “Export Subsidies,” in Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Charles Frankel, editor. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2009: 647-648. [.bib]
Justin Ross, Joshua Hall, and Peter Calcagno, “When It Comes to Taxes in South Carolina: Focus on Remaining Competitive,” in Unleashing Capitalism: A Prescription for Economic Prosperity in South Carolina, Peter Calcagno, editor. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Policy Council, 2009: 71-86. [.bib]
Russell Sobel and Joshua Hall, “The Sources of Economic Growth,” in Unleashing Capitalism: A Prescription for Economic Prosperity in South Carolina, Peter Calcagno, editor. Columbia, SC: South Carolina Policy Council, 2009: 21-48. [.bib]
Scott Beaulier, Joshua Hall and William Mounts, “From Entrepreneur to Manager: A Brief Consideration of Economic Transition,” in Entrepreneurship and its Economic Significance, Behavior and Effects, Maria V. Bradshaw and Patricia T. Carrington, editors. Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2009: 223-231. [.bib]
David Skarbek and Joshua Hall, “Adam’s Apple: Using Johnny Appleseed to Teach the Invisible Hand,” in Expanding Teaching and Learning Horizons in Economic Education, Franklin Mixon and Richard Cebula, editors. Hauppage: Nova Science Publishers, 2009: 199-205. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Russell Sobel, “Judicial Selection Methods and Legal System Quality,” in The Rule of Law: Perspectives on Legal and Judicial Reform in West Virginia, Russell Sobel, editor. Morgantown, WV: The Public Policy Foundation of West Virginia, 2009: 27-49. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Matt Ryan, “The Economics of Government Housing Assistance for the Poor,” in Housing America: Building Out Of A Housing Crisis, Randall Holcombe and Benjamin Powell, editors. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2009: 159-183. [.bib]
Joshua Hall and Russell Sobel, “Freedom, Entrepreneurship, and Growth,” in Lessons from the Poor: Triumph of the Entrepreneurial Spirit, Alvaro Llosa, editor. Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 2008: 247-268. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “Mann, Horace,” in Exploring American History: From Colonial Times to 1877 (vol. 6), Tom Lansford and Thomas Woods, editors. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish, 2008: 652-653. [.bib]
Russell Sobel and Joshua Hall, “The Sources of Economic Growth,” in Unleashing Capitalism: Why Prosperity Stops at the West Virginia State Line and How to Fix It, Russell Sobel, editor. Morgantown, WV: The Public Policy Foundation of West Virginia, 2007: 15-35. [.bib]
Justin Ross and Joshua Hall, “When It Comes to Taxes: Focus on Being Competitive,” in Unleashing Capitalism: Why Prosperity Stops at the West Virginia State Line and How to Fix It, Russell Sobel, editor. Morgantown, WV: The Public Policy Foundation of West Virginia, 2007: 69-79. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “Walter Williams,” in American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia, Bruce Frohnen, Jeremy Beer and Jeffrey Nelson, editors. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2006: 924-925. [.bib]
Joshua Hall, “Paul Heyne,” in American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia, Bruce Frohnen, Jeremy Beer and Jeffrey Nelson, editors. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2006: 385-386. [.bib]