Joonmo Yun, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Elementary Education

Teachers College, Jeju National University

Employment [직업]

Sep 2022 - present Assistant Professor, Department of Elementary Education, Teacher's College, Jeju National University

[조교수, 제주대학교 교육대학 초등교육과]

Mar 2022 - Aug 2022 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Sungshin Women's University

[조교수, 성신여자대학교 교육학과]

Oct 2020 - Feb 2022    Adjunct Researcher, Education Research Institute, Seoul National University 

[객원연구원, 서울대학교 교육연구소]

                                 Lecturer, Seoul National University, Ewha Women's University, Dongguk University, Incheon National University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, etc. 

[시간강사, 서울대, 이화여대, 동국대, 인천대, 한국외대, 상명대 등]

Oct 2018 - Sep 2020   Research Professor, Institute of Educational Competency Development at Gangneung–Wonju National University 

[연구교수, 강릉원주대학교 교육역량개발원 교육성과관리부]              

May 2018 - Sep 2018  Research Professor, Core Center for Creative Education, Jeju National University 

[학술연구교수, 제주대학교 창의교육거점센터]

Mar 2018 - present     Adjunct Researcher, Education Research Institute, Seoul National University 

[객원연구원, 서울대학교 교육연구소]

Jan 2018 - May 2018  Elementary School Teacher, Seoul Chihyun Elementary School, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education 

[초등교사, 서울치현초, 서울특별시교육청]

Aug 2014 - Dec 2017  Graduate Research Assistant at Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) & School of Teacher Education, Florida State University 

[대학원 연구조교, 플로리다읽기연구센터 및 플로리다주립대학교 대학원]

Mar 2009 - Aug 2014  Elementary School Teacher, Seoul Chihyun Elementary School, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education 

[초등교사, 서울치현초, 서울특별시교육청]

Mar 2004 - Feb 2009  Elementary School Teacher, Seoul Songjeong Elementary School, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education 

[초등교사, 서울송정초, 서울특별시교육청]

Services [봉사]

Jan 2020 - present              Officer, Korean Society for Creativity Education [창의력교육학회 이사]

Jul 2018 -  present              Officer, The Korea Learning Disabilities Association(KLDA) [한국학습장애학회 이사]

Education [학력]

Mar 2024 - Present Ph. D. program in Psychology of Meditation (Clinical Psychology & Counselling)

[심리학박사(박사과정 중), 명상심리학과 - 임상 및 상담심리전공) 

Co advisors: Jae Sung Kim & Sera Lim [지도교수: 김재성, 임세라]

Department of Psychology of Meditation, Nungin University [명상심리학과, 능인대학원대학교]

Aug 2014 - Dec 2017 Ph. D. in Curriculum & Instruction with concentration in Special Education) [철학박사, 교육과정 및 수업, 특수교육 심화과정] 

                                Co-advisors: Donald Compton & Kelly Whalon

                                 School of Teacher Education, College of Education, Florida State University [교원교육대학, 교육대학, 플로리다주립대학교]

Aug 2016                  Graduate Certificate in Measurement and Statistics (Florida State Univ.) [측정 및 통계학 자격증(부전공), 플로리다주립대학교]

Mar 2012 – Feb 2014   M.A. Special Education [교육학석사, 특수교육전공]

                                 Department of Education, College of Education, Seoul National University [교육학과, 교육학부, 서울대학교]

                                 *Financially Supported by Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education for 2 years [파견교사: 학위과정 간 서울시교육청으로부터 급여 지원]

Mar 2005 – Feb 2008   M. A. in Educational Methods [교육학석사, 교육방법전공]

                                 Graduate School of Education, Seoul National University of Education [교육대학원, 서울교육대학교]

                                 *Graduate School Award for the Excellent Master’s Thesis of 2008 [우수학위논문상 수상]

Mar 1998 –  Feb 2002  B. A. in Elementary Education [교육학사, 초등교육전공]

                                  Seoul National University of Education [서울교육대학교]

Certificates [자격증]

Aug 2016      Graduate Certificate in Measurement and Statistics, Florida State University [측정학 및 통계학 자격증(부전공), 플로리다주립대학교]

Feb 2014         Special Education Teacher License: 2nd class (Elementary) [초등특수교사 2급 자격증, 교육부]

Mar 2011         TEE (Teaching English in English) Master as an English specialist teacher, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education [전문영어교사자격수료, 서울시교육청]

Jan 2011         Completion of Korean Language Teacher Training Program in Digital Seoul Culture Arts University, Seoul, Korea 

[외국어로서의 한국어교원 양성과정 수료, 서울디지털문화예술대학교]

Jan 2010         Completion of ‘Delaware English Program’ as a Foreign Language Teacher Training Program, University of Delaware & Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education 

[델라웨어대학교 전문영어교사과정 수료, 델라웨어대학교 & 서울시교육청]

Aug 2008     Elementary Teacher License: 1st class (Elementary Education) [초등교사 1급 자격증, 교육부]

Aug 2004         Completion of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) program, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea [외국어로서의 영어교사자격과정 (TESOL) 수료, 연세대학교] 

Feb 2002         Elementary Teacher License: 2nd class (Elementary Education) [초등교사 2급 자격증, 교육부]

Awards [수상]

Aug 2014         Doctoral Student Fellowship, Florida Center for Reading Research & School of Teacher Education, Florida State University 

[플로리다주립대학교 읽기연구센터-교육대학원 박사학위과정 등록금 면제 및 급여 지급 장학금] 

Mar 2012         Research Teacher with financial support from Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education for 2 years at Seoul National University 

[서울특별시교육청-서울대학교 대학원 파견교사 프로그램(2년): 전일제 연구 및 석사학위과정 중 급여 지급]

Jul 2008          Graduate School Award for the Excellent Master’s Thesis of 2008, Seoul National University of Education 

[우수학위논문상, 서울교육대학교 대학원]

Journal articles [학술논문]

Yun, J. & Kim, D. (2022). A Systematic Review of Social Studies Intervention Research for Students with Disabilities: Using Content Analysis and Quality Indicator Analysis (KCI) [장애학생 대상 사회과 중재 연구에 대한 체계적 문헌분석: 내용 분석 및 질적 지표 기반 분석을 활용하여, 교과교육학연구, 26(3)]

Yun, J. (2022) Research Trends in Education Related to Jeju Region: Applying content analysis and semantic network analysis (KCI) [ 제주 지역 관련 교육 연구의 동향분석 및 연구방향 탐색 : 내용분석 및 의미연결망 분석을 활용하여, 도시인문학연구, 14(1)]

Kim, D., Lim, J., Woo, Y., Han, D., Lee, J., & Yun, J. (2021). Components of Online Class Influencing the Effectiveness of Online Undergraduate Theory Classes (KCI) [비대면 온라인 수업 효과에 영향을 미치는 온라인 수업 구성요소: 대학교 이론 수업 수강생을 중심으로, 교육연구논총, 42(2)]

Yun, J.  & Kim, W. (2021). A Review of Literature on Dyslexia in South Korea with the Use of Content Analysis and Semantic Network Analysis (KCI) [한국 난독증 문헌 분석: 내용분석과 의미 연결망 분석을 활용하여, 특수교육, 20(1)]

Yun, J. (2019). Systematic Review and Quality Indicator Analysis of Intervention Research on Underachieving College Students (KCI) [학습부진 대학생 중재 연구에 대한 체계적 문헌 고찰 및 질적 지표 기반 분석, 사고개발, 15(2)]

Yun, J. (2019). Research Trends and Knowledge Structure of 『The Korean Journal of Early Childhood Special Education』: Applying Semantic Network Analysis. (KCI) [유아특수교육연구의 연구동향 및 지식구조: 의미연결망분석을 활용하여, 유아특수교육연구, 19(2)]

Yun, J. (2019). Exploring Trends and Knowledge Structure of Studies on Gangneung as Locality Studies: Applying Semantic Network Analysis, The Journal of Creativity Education. (KCI) [강릉학의 연구동향 및 지식구조 탐색: 의미연결망분석을 활용하여, 도시인문학연구, 11(1)]

Kent, S., Wanzek, J. & Yun, J. (2019). Screening in the Upper Elementary Grades: Identifying Fourth Grade Students At-Risk for Failing the State Reading Assessment. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 1-13. (SCOPUS)

Yun, J. (2018). Examining Research Trends and Knowledge Structure of 「The Journal of Creativity Education」: Applying Keyword Network Analysis , The Journal of Creativity Education. (KCI) [키워드 네트워크 분석을 통한 「창의력교육연구」의 연구동향 및 지식구조 탐색, 창의력교육연구, 18(4)]

Kim, W. & Yun, J. (2018). Investigating Characteristics of Poor Readers in Reading Comprehension Using Tests of Reading Achievement and Cognitive Processes: A Case Study, The Korean Journal of Learning Disabilities. (KCI) [읽기성취 및 인지과정 검사를 통한 읽기부진학생의 읽기이해 특성 분석: 사례 연구. 학습장애연구, 15(2), 1-28]

Yun, J. (2018). Research Trends and Knowledge Structure of  『Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple, & Health Disabilities』: Applying Keyword Network Analysis, Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple, & Health Disabilities. (KCI)  [『지체․중복․건강장애연구』의 연구동향 및 지식구조: 키워드 네트워크 분석을 활용하여. 지체중복건강장애연구, 61(3), 121-145]

Yun, J.(2018). Research Trends in the History of Special Education in Korea, The Journal of Korean Educational Idea. 32(2). 107-127. (KCI)  [한국의 특수교육사 연구 동향. 교육사상연구, 32(2), 107-127]

Kim, W. & Yun, J. (2018). Identifying Reading Disabilities in 3rd and 4th Graders and Investigating their Characteristics in Reading Comprehension Using a Teacher Rating Scale, The Korean Journal of Learning Disabilities. 15(1). 37-55. (KCI) [초등학교 3, 4학년 학생의 읽기장애 판별과 교사평정을 활용한 읽기이해 특성 분석. 학습장애연구, 15(1), 37-55]

Ke, F., Whalon, K. & Yun, J. (2018). Social Skill Interventions for Youths and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. Review of Educational Research, 88(1), 3-42. (SSCI)

Yun, J. & Kim, W. (2015). The effects of Response to Intervention on inclusion: Issues and answers. The Korean Journal of Learning Disabilities. 12(2), 203-226. (KCI) [중재반응모형이 통합교육에 미치는 영향: 쟁점과 해결방안. 학습장애연구, 12(2), 203-226]

Kim, R. & Yun, J. (2015). An analysis of the study trend of residential service for people with intellectual disabilities. The Journal of the Korean Association on Developmental Disabilities, 19(1), 1-27. (KCI)  [성인 발달장애인 주거 관련 연구동향 분석. 발달장애연구, 19(1), 1-27]

Yun, J. & Kim, D. (2014). A meta-analysis of reading fluency interventions for students with reading difficulties using IRD index. Journal of Special Education, 21(1), 196-217. (KCI) [IRD 척도를 활용한 읽기부진학생의 읽기유창성 중재에 대한 메타분석, 특수교육연구, 21(1), 196-217]

Kim, W. & Yun, J. (2014). A literature review of Response-to-lntervention (RTI) in South Korea: Analyses of intervention components and definitions of non-response. Korean Journal of Special Education, 48(4), 275-298. (KCI) [한국 중재반응모형 연구 분석: 단계별 중재구성요소와 비반응 정의를 중심으로. 특수교육학연구, 48(4), 275-298]

Kim, W. & Yun, J. (2014). Trends in paraprofessional research: After the introduction of the paraprofessional system in 2004. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 16(1), 413-435. (KCI) [특수교육보조원 연구 동향: 2004년 보조원제 도임과 그 이후. 지적장애연구, 16(1), 413-435]

Kim, D., Jeong, M., Choi, S., Kang, E., & Yun, J. (2013). Current status of newspaper in education (NIE) in Korea: Focus on offices of education. The Journal of Yeolin Education, 21(2), 111-129. (KCI) [국내 NIE 현황 조사 연구: 전국 시도교육청 및 지역교육지원청을 중심으로. 열린교육연구, 21(2), 111-129]

Yun, J. (2009). The characteristics of the private academies in Korea with the viewpoint of Charles Sanders Peirce’s Ideas of “the Community of Inquiry”, Korean Journal of Teaching Philosophy & Moral Education, 25(41), 29-47.  [퍼스의 탐구공동체 이론에 비추어 본 조선 서원의 탐구공동체적 성격. 철학윤리교육연구, 41, 29-47]

Dissertations [학위논문]

Yun, J. (2017). Investigating Structures of Reading Comprehension Attributes at Different Proficiency Levels: Applying Cognitive Diagnosis Models and Factor Analyses. Florida State University. [읽기 성취 수준에 따른 읽기 이해 요소의 구조 탐색: 인지진단모형과 요인분석을 활용하여. 플로리다주립대학교 대학원 박사학위논문]

Yun, J. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of Reading Fluency Interventions for Students with Reading Difficulties: Using IRD Index. Master's thesis. Seoul National University. [읽기부진학생 대상 읽기유창성 중재에 대한 단일대상연구 메타분석: IRD 척도를 활용하여. 서울대학교 대학원 석사학위논문]

Yun, J. (2008). The educational implication of Meister Eckhart's thought. Master’s thesis. Seoul National University of Education. [마이스터 에크하르트 사상의 교육학적 함의. 서울교육대학교 교육대학원 석사학위논문]

Awards [수상]

Aug 2014         Doctoral Student Fellowship, Florida Center for Reading Research & School of Teacher Education, Florida State University 

[플로리다주립대학교 읽기연구센터-교육대학원 박사학위과정 등록금 면제 및 급여 지급 장학금] 

Mar 2012         Research Teacher with financial support from Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education for 2 years at Seoul National University 

[서울특별시교육청-서울대학교 대학원 파견교사 프로그램(2년): 전일제 연구 및 석사학위과정 중 급여 지급]

Jul 2008          Graduate School Award for the Excellent Master’s Thesis of 2008, Seoul National University of Education 

[우수학위논문상, 서울교육대학교 대학원]

Book Chapters [저서]

Snowling, M, J.(2019), Dyslexia: A very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. 연준모, 김동일 역, 난독증의 기초 (학지사, 2021)[근간]

Yun, J. (2019). Ch.3. Understanding inclusive education. In Kim, D. (Eds.), Introduction to special education. Seoul: Hakjisa. 김동일, 연준모 외(2019). 제3장 통합교육의 이해. 특수교육의 이해. 학지사.

Kim, Y-S. G. & Yun, J. (2019). Ch.6. Language learning and teaching for young children: Promoting interactive talk in the classroom. In V. Grøver, P. Uccelli, M. Rowe, & E. Lieven (Eds.), Learning through language: Towards an educationally informed theory of language learning. UK: Cambridge University Press.  

Textbooks and Teaching Reference Books [교과서 및 교사용 지도서]


Reports [연구보고서 및 간행물]

Courses Taught [강의 경력]

2022-2st Semester: Assistant Professor, Department of Elementary Education, Jeju National University [조교수, 제주대학교 초등교육과]

Educational Psychology (2 credits, 2 classes, Undergraduate)

[교육심리 (2학점, 2학급, 학부)]

Research Methods in Education and Statistics (3 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate)

[교육연구 및 통계 (3학점, 1학급, 학부)]

Introduction to Psychology (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate)

[심리학개설 (2학점, 1학급, 학부)]

Quantitative Research Methods in Education (3 credits, 1 class, Graduate)

[교육의 양적연구방법 (3학점, 1학급, 일반대학원)]

Identification and Intervention for Learning Disabilities

[학습장애의 진단과 치료 (3학점, 1학급, 일반대학원)]

Psychological Assessment and Diagnosis (3 credits, 1 class, Graduate)

[심리평가 및 진단 (3학점, 1학급, 사회교육대학원)]

2022-1st Semester: Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Sungshin Women's University [조교수, 성신여자대학교 교육학과]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 2학급, 학부)]

Advanced Studies in Special Education (3 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate)

[특수교육학 (3학점, 1학급, 학부)]

School Violence Prevention and Understanding Students (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate)

[학교폭력 예방 및 학생의 이해 (2학점, 1학급, 교육대학원)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 교육대학원)]

Teaching Practice (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate)

[교직실무 (2학점, 1학급, 교육대학원)]

2021-Winter Semester

Introduction to Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

[인간과 교육 (2학점, 1학급, 한국외국어대학교 교직과)]

2021-2st Semester

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate, Seoul National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 2학급, 서울대학교 교육학과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Dongguk University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 동국대학교 교육학과)]

Behavior Modification (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Dongguk University)

[행동수정 (2학점, 1학급, 동국대학교 교육대학원 상담심리전공)]

Introduction to Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Sangmyung University)

[교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 상명대학교 교육학과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Sangmyung University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 상명대학교 교육대학원)]

Understanding Special Education (2 credits, 2 classes, Undergraduate, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

[특수교육의 이해 (2학점, 2학급, 한국외국어대학교 교직과)]

Twice-Exceptional Gifted Children (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate,  Incheon National University)

[특수영재교육 (3학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 교육대학원 창의성-영재교육전공)]

Qualitative Research Methods for Educational Psychology (3 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Incheon National University)

[교육심리를 위한 질적연구방법 (3학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 일반대학원 교육학과)]

Education for Students with Learning Disabilities (3 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Kangnam University)

[학습장애학생교육 (3학점, 1학급, 강남대학교 대학원)] 

Curriculum Theories (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육과정 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Instructional Methods and Educational Technology (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육방법 및 교육공학 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Eduational Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육평가 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Curriculum and Evaluation (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[교육과정 및 교육평가 (2학점, 2학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Theories and Practice of Educational Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[교육평가의 이론과 실제 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교육대학원 교육학전공)]

Application of Career Education and Guidance Programs (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate School, Catholic Kwandong University)

[진로진학지도프로그램 활용 및 운영 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교육대학원 진로진학상담전공)]

2021-Summer Semester

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Seoul National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 서울대학교 교육학과)]

2021-1st Semester

Psychology of Learning and Development (3 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Seoul National University)

[인간학습과 발달 (3학점, 1학급, 서울대학교 교육학과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Seoul National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 서울대학교 교육학과)]

Seminars in Special Education Research (3 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Seoul National University)

[특수교육연구세미나 (3학점, 1학급, 서울대학교 대학원 특수교육협동과정)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Dongguk University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 동국대학교 교육학과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Sangmyung University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 상명대학교 교육학과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Sangmyung University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 상명대학교 교육대학원)]

Understanding Special Education (2 credits, 2 classes, Undergraduate, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

[특수교육의 이해 (2학점, 2학급, 한국외국어대학교 교직과)]

Assessment and Identification of Creativity (3 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate,  Incheon National University)

[창의성의 측정과 판별 (3학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 창의인재개발학과)]

Creative and Gifted Persons in Education (3 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate,  Incheon National University)

[창의적 인재과 교육 (3학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 창의인재개발학과)]

Seminars in Learning Disabilities (3 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Kangnam University)

[학습장애아교육세미나 (3학점, 1학급, 강남대학교 대학원)] 

Philosophy and History of Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육철학 및 교육사 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Education for Creativity (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate,  Kyungpook National University)

[창의성 교육 (2학점, 1학급, 경북대학교 교육대학원)]

Instructional Methods and Educational Technology (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate, Kangwon National University)

[교육방법 및 교육공학 (2학점, 2학급, 강원대학교 유아교육과)]

Teaching Practice (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Kangwon National University)

[학교현장실습 (2학점, 2학급, 강원대학교 유아교육과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate, Kangwon National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급,  강원대학교 유아교육과)]

Curriculum and Evaluation (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[교육과정 및 교육평가 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 2 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 2학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Career Education and Guidance for Exceptional Adolescents (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[특수집단의 진로진학지도 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교육대학원 진로진학상담전공)]

2020-2nd Semester

Practice in Education for Persons with Learning Disabilities (3 credits, 1 class, Graduate School, Ewha Womens University)

[학습장애인 교육의 실제 (3학점, 1학급, 이화여자대학교 교육대학원]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Dongguk University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 동국대학교 교육학과)]

Theory and Development of Higher-order Thinking (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate School, Incheon National University)

[상위사고력의 이해와 개발 (2학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 교육대학원)]

Creativity and Education (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate,  Incheon National University)

[창의성과 교육 (2학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 교육대학원 창의성-영재교육전공)]

Seminars in Psychology of Learning

[학습심리 세미나(3학점, 1학급, 인천대학교 일반대학원 교육학과)]

Curriculum Theories (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육과정 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Instructional Methods and Educational Technology (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육방법 및 교육공학 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Eduational Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Suwon Women's University)

[교육평가 (2학점, 1학급, 수원여자대학교 간호학과 교직과정)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 강릉원주대학교 교직과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 강릉원주대학교 교육대학원)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Theories and Practice of Career Education and Guidance (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate School, Catholic Kwandong University)

[진학지도기법의 이론과 실제 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교육대학원 진로진학상담전공)]

2020-1st Semester

Educational Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

[교육평가 (2학점, 1학급, 강릉원주대학교 교직과)]

Theories and Practice in Educational Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

[교육평가의 이론과 실제 (2학점, 1학급, 강릉원주대학교 교육대학원)]

Curriculum and Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[교육과정 및 교육평가 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Exploration of Occupations and Employment Information (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate School, Catholic Kwandong University)

[직업세계와 직업정보탐색 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교육대학원 진로진학상담전공)]

2019-2st Semester

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 강릉원주대학교 교직과)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate, Gangneung-Wonju National University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 강릉원주대학교 교육대학원)]

Introduction to Special Education (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[특수교육학개론 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Application of Career Education and Guidance Programs (2 credits, 1 class, Graduate School, Catholic Kwandong University)

[진로진학지도프로그램 활용 및 운영 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교육대학원 진로진학상담전공)]

2019-1st Semester

Curriculum and Evaluation (2 credits, 1 class, Undergraduate, Catholic Kwandong University)

[교육과정 및 교육평가 (2학점, 1학급, 가톨릭관동대학교 교직과)]

Lectures [특강 및 연수 경력]

Yun, J. (2020). Promotion of Disability Awareness for College Students. Korea national university of Welfare [특강: 대학생을 위한 장애인식개선교육. 국립한국복지대학교]

Yun, J. (2020). How to take good notes: Note-taking methods & summarizing tips for effective learning. Lectures for International Students, Kyungdong University [특강: 외국학생들을 위한 특강 - 어떻게 좋은 노트를 쓰는가: 효과적인 학습을 위한 노트필기와 요약법. 경동대학교]

Yun, J. (2019). Disability understanding education for college instructors. Gangneung–Wonju National University [특강: 대학 교원을 위한 장애대학생의 이해. 강릉원주대학교 교육역량개발원]

Yun, J. (2019). Tips for effective English study and study abroad preparation. Gangneung–Wonju National University [특강: 효과적인 영어학습과 유학준비 노하우. 강릉원주대학교 교육역량개발원]

Yun, J. (2019). Making One Small Step to Innovation: A Case of Gangwon Joint Center for Innovative Education. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Jameel World Education Lab (J-WEL) Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Yun, J. (2019). Introduction of FAM(Family for Achievement and Maturation) System, Gangneung–Wonju National University. The 1st Conference of Gangwon Joint Center for Innovative Education. Gangwon National University. [강릉원주대학교 FAM 제도 소개. 제1회 강원권공동교육혁신센터 컨퍼런스. 강원대학교] 

Yun, J. (2019). How to take study notes: Effective note-taking methods. Gangneung–Wonju National University [특강: 효과적인 노트필기 방법, 강릉원주대학교 교육역량개발원]

Yun, J. (2019). Effective Study Strategies for College Students. Kyungdong University [특강: 대학생을 위한 효과적인 학습법. 경동대학교]

Yun, J. (2019). Creative Thinking for College Students. Kyungdong University [특강: 대학생을 위한 창의적 사고. 경동대학교]

Yun, J. (2019). Tips for effective English study and study abroad preparation. Gangneung–Wonju National University [특강: 효과적인 영어학습과 유학준비 노하우. 강릉원주대학교 교육역량개발원]

Yun, J. (2018). How to prepare for studying abroad. Gangneung–Wonju National University ( [특강: 더 넓은 세상을 향해 돛을 올리다!: 미국대학원 유학을 위한 전략, 강릉원주대학교 인문학연구소]

Yun, J. (2018). How to apply action learning methods for instruction2018 Professional Development for Future Competencies and Creative Education. Daegu National University of Education. [교사연수: 수업에 액션러닝 기법 적용하기. 2018 미래 핵심역량과 창의교육. 대구교육대학교]

Yun, J. (2018). How to apply creative storytelling methods for instruction2018 Professional Development for Future Competencies and Creative Education. Daegu National University of Education.  [교사연수: 수업에 창의적 스토리텔링 기법 적용하기. 2018 미래 핵심역량과 창의교육. 대구교육대학교]

Yun, J. (2018). How to apply digilogue methods for instruction2018 Professional Development for Future Competencies and Creative Education. Daegu National University of Education. [교사연수: 수업에 디지로그 기법 적용하기. 2018 미래 핵심역량과 창의교육. 대구교육대학교]

Yun, J. (2018). How to apply gamification methods for instruction. 2018 Professional Development for Future Competencies and Creative Education. Daegu National University of Education. [교사연수: 수업에 게이미피케이션 기법 적용하기. 2018 미래 핵심역량과 창의교육. 대구교육대학교]

Yun, J. (2018). Using Gamification to Teach Cloud Technology and Information Security. 2018 Professional Development Program for School Administrators. Jeju National University. [교사연수: 클라우드 기술과 정보 보안 수업을 위한 게이미피케이션 기법 적용. 2018 미래 핵심역량과 창의교육. 제주대학교]

Yun, J. (2018). Instructional Methods Using Havruta to Teach Hyper-connected Communication Technology. 2018 Professional Development Program for School Administrators. Jeju National University. [교사연수: 초연결통신 기술 수업을 위하여 하브루타 수업 기법 적용. 2018 미래 핵심역량과 창의교육. 제주대학교]

Paper presentations [학술대회 발표]

Yun, J.(2019). Investigating Research Trends of Underachieving College Students. Presented at 2019 Conference of the Korean Society of Special Education (Spring) [국내 학습부진 대학생 관련 연구 동향 분석, 2019 특수교육학회 춘계학술대회 발표문]

Yun, J.(2019). Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities in Secondary Education: Challenges and Future Tasks. Presented at 2019 Conference of the Korea Learning Disabilities Association, Seoul National University of Education. [중등교육에서의 학습장애 진단: 그 난점과 과제, 2019 한국학습장애학회 동계학술대회 발표문]

Kang, O., Seo, S., Koh, H., Yun, J., & Park, M.(2018). Prospectives on Special Education of South Korea: Focusing on the Area of Learning Disability. Presented at 2018 Conference of the Korean Society of Special Education (Fall) [한국 특수교육 2030 전망과 비전: 세부 영역의 쟁점과 과제, 2018 특수교육학회 추계학술대회 발표문]

Yun, J. & Park, N.(2018). Designing professional development programs on future creative education for school administrators and teachers. Presented at 2018 Conference of the Korean Association of Information Education, Sejong University. [미래 창의교육을 위한 국제 바칼로레아 교육과정에서의 평가방안 분석, 2018 한국정보교육학회 학술대회 발표문]

Yun, J. & Park, N.(2018). Analysis of assessment methods in the IB(International Baccalaureate)for innovative creative education. Presented at 2018 Conference of the Korean Association of Information Education, Sejong University. [미래 창의교육의 실천을 위한 학교관리자 연수모델 개발방안 탐색, 2018 한국정보교육학회 학술대회 발표문]

Yun, J.(2018). Investigating Structures of Reading Comprehension Attributes at Different Proficiency Levels: Applying Cognitive Diagnosis Models and Factor Analyses. Presented at 2018 Conference of the Korean Society of Special Education (Spring), Changwon National University. [읽기 성취수준에 따른 읽기 이해 요소의 구조 탐색: 인지진단모형과 요인분석을 활용하여, 2018 특수교육학회 춘계학술대회 발표문]

Yun, J., Kim, D. & Lee, J. (2014). A Meta-Analysis of Reading Fluency Interventions for Students with Reading Difficulties: Using IRD Index. Presented at 2014 Conference of the Korean Educational Psychology Association, Hanyang University.

Kim, D., Shim, S., Lee, J., Keum, C., Nam, J., Yun, J., & Shin, J.(2012). Development of a Korean Educational Development Assistance(ODA) Model for Nurturing Leaders with Disabilities from Developing Countries: Focusing on the Global Inclusive Leadership Program(GILP). Presented at the 13th International Conference on Educational Research (ICER), Seoul National University.

Choi, H., Yun, J., Han, S., Shin, S. (2010). A suggestion of topics for free inquiry program: in connection with Gwacheon National Science Museum. Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Education, 173-178. [국립과천과학관 연계 자유탐구 프로그램과 관련된 환경교육 관련 자유탐구 주제 제시. 한국환경교육학회 학술대회자료집. 173-178]

Poster presentations [포스터 발표]

Yun, J., Cheong, Y., Kim, D., & Lee, H. (2019). Exploring Variables Predicting Dropout in Universities of South Korea: Focusing on K University in Gangwon Province. Presented at the 11th Asian Conference on Education, The International Academic Forum and Osaka University. [한국의 대학에서의 중도탈락 예측변인 탐색: 강원지역의 K대학을 중심으로]

Yun, J. & Park, N.(2018). Analysis of assessment methods in the IB(International Baccalaureate)for innovative creative education. Presented at 2018 Conference of the Korean Association of Information Education, Sejong University.

Yun, J. (2018). Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of Reading Comprehension using the PIRLS 2011. Poster presentation at the 27th Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) in San Diego. (International)

Yun, J., Kim, Y.-S. & Whalon, K. (2018). Meta-analyses comparing syntactic abilities of individuals with ASD and normally developing individuals. Poster presentation at the 19st Council for Exceptional Children Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities in Clearwater. (International)

Yun, J. (2017). Investigating the Relationship Between Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement Using Quantile Regression. Poster presentation at the 26th Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) in San Diego. (International)

Yun, J., & Kim, Y.-S. (2017). A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between Syntactic Skills and Reading Comprehension. Poster presentation at the 26th Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) in San Diego. (International)

Yun, J. (2016). Investigating the Effects of Family and School Social Capital on Test Anxiety of Low Achievers Using a Multilevel Growth Modeling. Poster presentation at Florida Educational Research Association, the Florida Educational Research Association in Lake City, FL. (State)

Yun, J., & Kim, Y.-S. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of K-5 Literacy Curriculum in 2015 Korean National Curriculum and American Common Core State Standards. Poster presentation at International Conference of Education Research, International Conference of Education Research, Seoul, Korea. (International)

Yun, J., & Kim, Y.-S. (2015). Examining the Relationships of Syntactic Awareness to Reading Comprehension: A Meta-Analysis. Poster presentation at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Florida Educational Research Association, the Florida Educational Research Association, in Altamonte Springs, FL. (State)

Kim, D., Yun, J., Nam, J., Lee, J., Lee, M., Jang, S. & Ahn, Y. (2015). Research Trends of Educational ODA (Official Development Assistance) in Korea. Poster presentation at the 16th International Conference on Educational Research (ICER), at Seoul National University. (International)

Kim, W. & Yun, J. (2015). Procedures and criteria to identify reading disabilities in South Korea: A research synthesis. Poster presentation at the 22nd Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) in San Diego. (International)

Kim, D., Kim, W., Koh, H., Lee, H., & Yun, J. (2014). BASA (Basic Academic Skills Assessment) Implementation for children with learning disabilities: The one-year CBM case study in Korea. Poster presentation at the 22nd Pacific Coast Research Conference (PCRC) in San Diego. (International)

Reviews [검토자 경력]

Evaluation committee member for students' poster presentation contests of the Korea Computer Congress 2018 (KCC2018)

Paper reviewer of Conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) (2018)

Paper reviewer of Conference of Florida Educational Research Association (FERA) (2017)

Paper reviewer of Conference of Florida Educational Research Association (FERA) (2015)