Quake III Arena map

Title: The Ghost Contea

by JonnYReds Author: Rino - Italy

Tools: QuArK 6.5, Paint shop pro, Editpad, Pakscape

New Textures or Shaders: yes

Game type: ffa_tourney

Filename: ghostcontea.pk3

Release: 03-2021

Yes, Rino is back dedicating myself a bit to my old love for the mapping, in these strange 2020s Looking for some ideas, I designed this small map, ffa_tourney, made in free time and for fun The Ghost Contea for Quake 3 Arena. Enjoy!


There is desolation and spectral silence in the Contea of Ghosts, only some gusts of wind. In this forgotten little county, once thriving now inhospitable and sinister, damaged everywhere by signs of ghostly battles and imbued with malefician presences.


Weapons & Power-up: Rocketlauncher - Railgun - Plasmagun - Shotgun - Megahealth - Armor Body

Bots: Keel - Cadavre - Gorre - Skeletor

Download: The Ghost Contea