Quake III Arena map

Title: Colvms

by JonnYReds Author: Rino - Italy

Tools: Q3Radiant_200,

Paint shop pro, Editpad, Pakscape

New Textures or Shaders: yes

Game type: ffa_tourney

Filename: jr_clv1.pk3

Release: 2002


Is one of my first maps for Quake3. In fact, the first version was much simple like draft, even if after all the basic idea has remained so. A starting point for a series of deep changes. Substantially Colvms is a "Space Map" with many Jump_Pad but it is easy to fall! Many shaders, effect scattered everywhere and custom textures. The setting is in ancient Rome, with colonnaded temples which are suspended in the space, connected by walkways, a tower with Jump_Pad conceals a trap! Also, the player can go in the jaws of the demon of the gladiator! There a temple with chains, where you find the Quad Damage. His movement up and down, in the middle of the map makes a sound creepy. There are temples that teleport directly in a misterious ancient ruins, of an outpost where there was a room for Regeneration. Finally, there are sound various effects. Perhaps because it was one of my first works, for the time that I spent for the draft this is a map that I put into my favorites:)


Weapons & Power-up: - Quad Damage - Body Armor - Haste - Armor combat - All players start game with Railgun and Armor Combat

Bots: Gorre - Major - Keel.

Download: Colvms

Playing Colvms Quake3 Arena map - Youtube