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Quake III Arena map

Title: Bigmap02

by JonnYReds Author: Rino - Italy

Tools: Q3Radiant_200,

Paint shop pro, Editpad, Pakscape

New Textures or Shaders: yes

Game type: ffa_tourney_team

Filename: bigmap02.pk3

Release: 2008


Is a map with places enough damaged inside, as I like to do:) is a theme that recurs often.

Here there a sense of death in fact, there are some bones around. A small outdoor square with a hidden power-up. Inside there is a Jump Pad in the fog, always between two or three bones. Creaky wooden walkways and several staircases. Bigmap02 could be played on a Free for All ... Have a good battle!


Weapons & Power up: Rocketlauncher -Railgun Plasmagun - Shotgun - Lightning - Megahealth Armor body - Armor combat Holdable teleporter. Bots : Gorre - Ranger - Uriel - Bitterman.

Download: Bigmap02