Game Summary Year 2

August 1, 2021

The group flies the Avocet flying ship to Wash Rock. They fight the pig spheres and conjured worm then make their way to the entrance of the dragon lair. Inside a wizard taunts them.

August 8, 2021

On Wash rock the group fights a storm elemental and a wizard(Murava) with a lightning staff. They attack the ships they find and the knights of Prince of Petar. They see 9-15 ships at sea once the weather control orbs are shut down. They take one ship to Green Rock then prep to fly to Grass Rock to investigate activity there and stop whatever ship is in the area.

Arriving at Grass Rock they find villagers and a war party of the Prince's Rangers. They battle a troll with a spinning bolt gun, a wizard and rangers.

October 3, 2021

The group takes a long rest with a magic candle and is healed by TSigyaz and a Shaman from the village. They then descend into Hevdrin's Wallow Dungeon. They find Darlmey waiting who runs screaming "Im not ready". They avoid fighting a Umber Hulk then move into the dungeon. An undead creature is turned and the illusion of large speaking bird taunts them.

October 10, 2021

Moving through the north end of Hevdrin's Wallow the group fights a Nyogoth, Ogres and snakes. A cloth wrapped skeleton figure runs from Tsigyaz but circles around to attack from the rear. They make their way to the expected skill bridge.


October 24, 2021

After fighting the beast The group gates into Hevdrin's Glad and checks out the glad with horrible moaning sounds coming from a broken pyramid. They discover and avoid skull corn fields and investigate the various gates in the glade. They briefly pursue what appears to be Darlmey or some other wizard who vanishes into one of the other gates. They then follow the rogue to a shiny obelisk .

November 7, 2021

After coming out of Hevdrin's way the group heads south to the shoreline of Grasrock Island. There they find more rangers, mages and trolls with electric bolt shooters. They kill most everyone and take one of the ships. They return to their own ship and get orders from Tsigno to return to Petar.

November 28, 2021

Arriving at Petar using the gates at Hevdrins Glade the group makes its way into the city by stealing a boat then using the Farmers Gates to arrive near South Petar. They find lodging and proceed to shop for plunder bombs and potions.

December 12, 2021

In Petar City the group has a quick run in with City Guards and Kills a halve dozen. The Rogue meets with the guild and gets poison.

They recon a ship to use to attack the large gunship they are charged with destroying. But they find it too well guarded and give up on extracting it.

They encounter a night wolf and nearly destroy it.

December 19, 2021

In Petar city the group fights fire elementals that fly, as they follow Wirewick back to the roof of the in. They fight them then use the farmers gates to escape the city near the orchard.

They attack by using flying spells and drop many plunder bombs on the ship. Wirewick sets plunder ablaze in the hold. The ship eventually falters and falls into a field.

January 2, 2022

After taking the RURU gate they arrive near the tower and discover Tsigno's forces do not seem to be there and the tower seems occupied by gargoyles.

They return to Petar using a different gate and approach from a more northern side and get lodging at Strongtree Inn.

The group goes to Neverseers house and collect a few items and he asks the group to go to the pirates cave near the house to extract two dragon's teeth and a navigation device for a ship.

The group starts their way down

January 9,2022

Inside the pirates cave they discover a evil altar, a large statue of a dragon and they fight with small wide faced goblin-gnomes who see to pop in and out. They avoid the carnivorous plant in the main room and find the teeth they are looking for.

They continue through the dungeon fighting frogmen including spellcasters and find a stairway down and part of the navigation device they are looking for.

January 16,2022

The three amigos Wirewick, Phalus and Porthos unlock the large door and encounter frogmen. They fight forward and get surrounded by frogmen and skeleton spiders. They manage to fight their way out of the battle with much damage. A single poison dart frogman attacks them and hits Wirewick with his bone knife. They press on routing the frogmen forward chasing them as they run and not bothering to search anything and pushing through room after room of frogmen, blasting them with plunder. Through three holes in the floor they hear a speech in progress from a frogman leader. They hear that the prince of Petar has hired them to occupy petar city as the army of Petar is headed south to war. Wirewick and Phallas make their way down the hole and discover too large of a force to contend with ( and smartly) decide to return to the upper level to rest and find the navigation device with plans to report to Tsigno.

January 23,2022

In the second level of the Pirates cave at the start of the day, the fight a Salamander frogmen and a spider. They make their way up a tall rope ladder and emerge outside near a large bridge. Frogmen and Petar rangers are found there as well and the group first attempts to cross then ends up fighting the group.

January 30,2022

Don Miguel De Cordova join the group appearing at the far side of the bridge. The group fights frogmen and rangers until there are no more. After the group heads to the Petar Church to rest. The city is ravaged by both pirates from the western lands of Astan and more frogmen from places unknown.

Wirewick obtains the bag of moss.

February 6,2022

The group recon's the city but then decides to gather up Captain Visha and make their way back to the pirates cave to loot the rest of the items and obtain the dragons teeth and the navigation device for Neverseer. They also get wine and water and obtain the cloak of krymana. They find g-cubes in their way but defeat them. Various other treasure items such as a gold cup, crossbow bolts, enchanted dagger, and two rings of gold.

February 20,2022

Going through the final level of the pirates cave the group discovers the wolf man Emaga Amanan, cousin to the prince of petar. They fight Ghasts and Bear Skeleton undead and encounter the gnome Gabblin who escapes after doing some damage.

February 29,2022

From the pirates cave the group ends up chasing the Gnome up to ground level and looses him in a forest near a farm. On checking with the farmers they point out a cart and ponies full of Gnomes and the group attacks them quickly. Gabblin is discovered hiding with the gnomes and all are killed.

March 6,2022

The group goes through the cart and gear of the gnomes finding quite a bit to take back to Peldar. The group rests by night as visha takes them on all day and into the night before turning hard west for Peldar and flying over the water. They discover at their fort that it has been attacked and even under some siege from the Petar Army men. Tsigyaz does a mass heal on the wounded and the group sets out to attack a group of army scouts to the south. After beating them back they return for a short rest at Peldar, then set out to attack an army camp where catapults are seen. Tsigyaz has a vision of undead being grabbed by winged undead warriors and a sand cloud comes and takes the dead from the first battle. The group decides to press on to the Army and defeat them first after much debate.

March 13,2022

They continue to battle at the next army camp, destroy the catapaults but Visha's ship is damaged and crashes. Giants are found and also killed.

March 20,2022

After finishing off the second army troop Malraban's wagon appears and does flyby attacks on the Petar army until it is routed. The group heads to the redrock where the sand storm landed and finds winged undead beasts who breath bone fragments doing much damage to the group before they are destroyed. They descend into the stairway hole down to a dim dungeon. There they find various undead and blast away skeletons as they go.