Service to the Profession

I am very committed to the development of the field of personality psychology as a whole, and especially to my areas of specialty within the field. To that end, I have had several opportunities to serve the profession:

Editorial Positions

2013-present Associate Editor, Journal of Personality

2020-present Associate Editor, Collabra: Psychology

2013-present Consulting Editor, Journal of Research in Personality

2020-present (Inaugural) Editorial Board Member, Personality Science

2020-present Consulting Editor, European Journal of Personality

2020-present Editorial Board Member, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes

& Individual Differences

2020-20203 Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Personality on psychobiographies of social change agents

2017-2019 Guest Editor, Special Issue of Qualitative Psychology on repeated narration

Conference Planning Positions

2012-2014 Program Chair, Division 8 (Society for Personality and Social Psychology), American

Psychological Association Convention, 2014, Washington DC

2013-2015 Program Chair, Division 8 (Society for Personality and Social Psychology), American

Psychological Association Convention, 2015, Toronto, ON

2014-2015 Program Committee, Association for Research in Personality, biennial conference, 2015, St, Louis, MO.

Professional Organization Service Positions

2013-present Publications and Communications Committee Member, Association for Research in Personality

2013-2018 Co-Editor, P: The Official Newsletter of the Association for Research in Personality

Non-Profit Work

2012-present Chief Academic Officer and Co-Director, Health Story Collaborative

I have also served as an ad-hoc reviewer for more than 150 manuscripts for a wide number of scholarly journals including:

Administration and Policy in Mental Health & Mental Health Services Research; Assessment; Attachment & Human Development; BMC: Psychiatry; Clinical Psychological Science; Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice; Cognition and Emotion; Cognitive Therapy and Research; Consciousness and Cognition; Current Directions in Psychological Science; Developmental Psychology; Developmental Review; Discourse Processes; Emerging Adulthood, European Journal of Personality; Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research; International Psychogeriatrics; Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Journal of Adult Development; Journal of Constructivist Psychology; Journal of Health Psychology; Journal of Medical Ethics; Journal of Personality; Journal of Personality Assessment; Journal of Personality Disorders; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Research in Personality; Journal of Social and Personal Relationships; Journal of Traumatic Stress; Journal of Psychotherapy Integration; Memory; Merrill-Palmer Quarterly; Narrative Inquiry; Nature: Human Behavior; Personality and Individual Differences; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Personality and Social Psychology Review; Perspectives on Psychological Science; PLoS ONE; Psychoneuroendocrinology, Psychological Assessment; Psychology & Aging; Psychotherapy Research; Qualitative Psychology; Sexuality Research and Social Policy; Social Psychological and Personality Science; Sociology of Health and Illness; Theory & Psychology