
New Member Vocab

Chairperson(s)- The person or people chosen by the executive board to run an event. They are given the information necessary in the form of a “folder”. A chairperson(s) can choose to create a committee (a small group of CARES members) to help them run the event.

Executive Board- The student leaders of CARES. The board consists of seven (7) members and is voted upon by the existing CARES body every spring for the following school year. The executive board is in charge of making CARES run smoothly during meetings and events.

Homecoming- CARES biggest event. Homecoming is a dance that occurs in the Fall at which all grade levels can attend. Preceding the dance is a week full of CARES run activities and fun events, including a football game. All money from tickets for the dance go to CARES, as we run the event.

Marquee- The marquee is the large sign in front of the High School. The message inside updates passer-bys on the ongoing events of Johnsburg High School. The responsibility of the sign is CARES, more specifically, the Parliamentarian’s. Too bad it no longer exists. R.I.P 2016.

Minutes- The minutes are read every meeting by the Secretary. They are simply a recap of what occurred at the last meeting.

Petition- The petition is the only requirement to join CARES. Both new and returning members must complete it in order to join. It requires 20 student signatures, 2 teacher signatures, and 1 administration signature.

Points- Points are your way to stay in CARES. Each semester there will be a set point requirement from the Vice President. You must earn that many points to remain in CARES. You earn points by attending events.

Treasurer’s Report- This report is read at every meeting stating how much money is currently in the CARES account.

Go to the Points tab to see how many points you have, it will also tell you if you're a member!