
Published and Forthcoming Papers

A Menu Dependent Luce Model with a Numeraire (Accepted, Journal of Mathematical Economics)

Obstacles to Redistribution Through Markets and One Solution, with Roy Allen (Conditionally Accepted, Economic Theory Bulletin)

Revealed Statistical Consumer Theory, with Roy Allen and Pawel Dziewulski (Conditionally Accepted, Economic Theory)

Computing Revealed Preference Goodness-of-fit Measures with Integer Programming, with Thomas Demuynck  (Conditionally Accepted, Economic Theory) [Code]

Revealed Bayesian Expected Utility with Limited Data, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, March 2023

Revealed Stochastic Choice with Attributes, with Roy Allen, Economic Theory, January 2023

Non-rationalizable Individuals, Stochastic Rationalizability, and Sampling, with Changkuk Im, Economics Letters, October 2022

Correcting for Random Budgets in Revealed Preference Experiments, with Mir Adnan Mahmood, Games, April 2022

When Choices are Mistakes, with Kirby Nielsen , American Economic Review, July 2022 

Making Sense of Monkey Business, with Roy Allen and Pawel Dziewulski, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,  April 2022

Latent Complementarity in Bundles Models, with Roy Allen, Journal of Econometrics,  June 2022

Revealing a Preference for Mixing: An Experimental Study of Risk, with Paul Feldman, Quantitative Economics, May 2022 [Code]

Nonparametric Market Supply with Variable Participants, with Christopher P. Chambers, Economic Theory, October 2022

A Generalization of Quantal Response Equilibrium via Perturbed Utility, with Roy Allen, Games, March 2021 [Code]

Measuring Rationality: Percentages vs Expenditures, with Roy Allen, Theory and Decision, January 2021

Costly Information Acquisition, with Christopher P. Chambers and Ce Liu, Journal of Economic Theory, March 2020

Hicksian Complementarity and Perturbed Utility Models, with Roy Allen, Economic Theory Bulletin, October 2020

Identification with Additively Separable Heterogeneity, with Roy AllenEconometrica,  May 2019

Note on Unique Nash Equilibrium in Continuous Games , Games and Economic Behavior, July 2018

Note on Symmetric Utility, with Christopher P. Chambers, Economics Letters, January 2018

Menu-Dependent Stochastic Feasibility, with Richard L. BradyEconometrica, May 2016

Every Choice Correspondence is Backwards-Induction Rationalizable, Games and Economic Behavior, November 2014

Working Papers

An Experiment on the Integration of Monetary and Subjective Value, with Samantha Stelnicki (Slides)

Nontransitive Preferences and Stochastic Rationalizability: A Behavioral Equivalence, with Mogens Fosgerau

Latent Utility and Permutation Invariance: A Revealed Preference Approach, with Roy Allen (R&R Journal of Econometrics)

A Pragmatic Measure of Cardinal Choice Consistency, with Roy Allen 

A Characterization of Logit with Menu Dependent Variance

Marginal Stochastic Choice, with Yaron Azrieli (Submitted)

An Evaluation of Risk Preferences using Cross Validation, with Hyoeun Park (Submitted)

Understanding Entry Games using Laboratory Experiments, with Mir Adnan Mahmood (Submitted)

Testing Profit Maximization for the U.S. Cement Industry, with Christopher P. Chambers (Submitted)

Counterfactual and Welfare Analysis with an Approximate Model, with Roy Allen [Revising]

Identification of Random Coefficient Latent Utility Models, with Roy Allen (R&R Quantitative Economics)

Satisficing, Aggregation, and Quasilinear Utility, with Roy Allen (R&R Quantitative Economics)

Testable Implication of Constrained Walrasian Equilibrium