Roy Allen
Assistant Professor, the University of Western Ontario
Telephone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 85227
Working Papers
Obstacles to Redistribution Through Markets and One Solution, join with John Rehbeck. 2023. Conditionally accepted, Economic Theory Bulletin.
Latent Utility and Permutation Invariance: A Revealed Preference Approach, joint with John Rehbeck, 2023.
A Pragmatic Measure of Cardinal Choice Consistency, joint with John Rehbeck, 2022.
Identification of Random Coefficient Latent Utility Models, joint with John Rehbeck. 2023. Resubmitted, Quantitative Economics.
Counterfactual and Welfare Analysis with an Approximate Model, joint with John Rehbeck. 2021.
Revealed Statistical Consumer Theory, joint with Paweł Dziewulski and John Rehbeck. 2023. Conditionally accepted, Economic Theory.
Satisficing, Aggregation, and Quasilinear Utility joint with John Rehbeck. 2021. Revise and resubmit, Quantitative Economics.
Prices, Profits, Proxies, and Production, joint with Victor Aguiar and Nail Kashaev, Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming. (Working paper version.)
Injectivity and the Law of Demand, Economics Letters, 2022. (Working paper version.)
Latent Complementarity in Bundles Models, joint with John Rehbeck, Journal of Econometrics, 2022. (Accepted version.)
Making Sense of Monkey Business: Reexamining Tests of Animal Rationality, joint with Paweł Dziewulski and John Rehbeck, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022. (Working paper version.)
Revealed Stochastic Choice with Attributes, joint with John Rehbeck, Economic Theory, 2022. (Working paper version.)
A Generalization of Quantal Response Equilibrium via Perturbed Utility, joint with John Rehbeck, Games, 2021. (Working paper version.)
Measuring Rationality: Percentages vs Expenditures, joint with John Rehbeck, Theory and Decision, 2021. (Working paper version.)
Hicksian Complementarity and Perturbed Utility Models, joint with John Rehbeck, Economic Theory Bulletin, 2019. (Working paper version.)
Identification with Additively Separable Heterogeneity (and Supplement), joint with John Rehbeck, Econometrica, 2019.
Testing Moment Inequalities: Selection versus Recentering. Economics Letters, 2018. (Earlier version including improved moment selection test.)
Forecasting in the Presence of Expectations, joint with Joshua Graff Zivin and Jeffrey Shrader, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2016.
Old Working Papers
Complementarity in Perturbed Utility Models, joint with John Rehbeck. 2016. (Superseded by "Hicksian Complementarity and Pertubed Utility Models.")