I am professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and fellow of the European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES). My research interests are revealed preference, choice and demand and theoretical economics.
I am member of the Group for the Advancement of Revealed Preference (GARP). I am also program director for the Master in Business Economics..
Please click here for my cv.
Contact: thomas.demuynck@ulb.ac.be
Are consumers rational? Shifting the burden of proof, with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Joshua Lanier
Accepted, Review of Economics and StatisticsA revealed preference test for Choquet and Max-Min expected utility with ambiguity aversion, with Clément Staner
American-Economic-Journal: Microeconomics, (2024), vol. 16, 291-328Poor and wealthy hand-to-mouth households in Belgium, with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock, Mariia Kovaleva, Geoffrey Minne, Maite De Sola Perea and Frederic Vermeulen
Review of Economics of the Household, (2024), vol. 22,909-934.Computing revealed preference goodness-of-fit with integer programming, with John Rehbeck
Economic Theory, (2023), vol. 76, 1175-1195.Revealed preference analysis of expected utility maximization under prize-probability trade-offs, with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Mikhail Freer
Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2022), vol. 99, 102607.On the revealed preference analysis of stable aggregate matchings, with Umutcan Salman,
Theoretical Economics, (2022), vol. 17, 1651-1682.An index of competitiveness and cooperativeness for normal form games (supplement), with Christian Seel and Giang Tran, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2022), vol. 14, 215-239.
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure to generate revealed preference consistent datasets
Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2021), vol. 97, 102523.Weakening transferable utility: the case of non-intersecting Pareto curves, with Tom Potoms
Journal of Economic Theory, (2020), vol. 188, 105035.Revealed preference analysis with normal goods: Application to cost of living indices, with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Khushboo Surana,
AEJ Microeconomics, (2020), vol. 12, 1-24.Group consumption with caring individuals (supplement), with Laurens Cherchye, Sam Cosaert and Bram De Rock
Economic Journal, (2020), vol. 130, 587-622.Bounding counterfactual demand with unobserved heterogeneity and endogenous expenditures, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Journal of Econometrics, (2019), vol. 211, 483-506.Bertrand competition with asymmetric costs: a solution in pure strategies, with Jean-Jacques Herings, Riccardo Saulle and Christian Seel
Theory and Decision, (2019), vol. 87, 147-154.The myopic stable set for social environments (supplement), with Jean-Jacques Herings, Riccardo Saulle and Christian Seel
Econometrica, (2019), vol. 87, 111-138.Nonparemetric welfare and demand analysis with unobserved individual hetergeneity (supplement), with Sam Cosaert
Review of Economics and Statistics, (2018), vol. 100, 348-361.Transitivity of preferences: when does it matter? with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Theoretical Economics, (2018), vol. 13, 1043-1076.Normality of demand in a two-goods setting, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Journal of Economic Theory, (2018), vol. 173, 361-382.Revealed preference with limited consideration, with Christian Seel
AEJ: Microeconomics, (2018), vol. 10, 102-131.The homogeneous marginal utility of income assumption
Econometric Reviews, (2018), vol. 37, 1120-1136.Household consumption when the marriage is stable, with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Frederic Vermeulen
American Economic Review, (2017), vol. 107, 1507-1534.Revealed preference tests of collectively rational consumption behavior: formulations and algorithms, with Fabrice Talla-Nobibon, Laurens Cherchye, Yves Crama, Bram De Rock and Frits Spieksma
Operations Research, (2016), vol. 64, 1197-1216.The transfer paradox in welfare space, with Bram De Rock and Victor Ginsburgh
Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2016), vol. 62, 1-4.Bounding average treatment effects: a linear programming approach
Economics Letters, (2015), vol. 137, 75-77.Statistical inference for measures of predictive success
Theory and Decision, (2015), vol. 79, 689-699.Revealed preference tests for weak separability: an integer programming approach, with Laurens Cherchye, Per Hjertstrand and Bram De Rock
Journal of Econometrics, vol. 186, 129-141.Revealed preference theory for finite choice sets, with Sam Cosaert
Economic Theory, (2015), vol. 59, 169-200.Is utility transferable? A revealed preference analysis, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Theoretical Economics, (2015), vol. 10, 51-65.The computational complexity of rationalizing Pareto optimal choice behavior
Social Choice and Welfare, (2014), vol. 42, 529-549.Revealed preference analysis for convex rationalizations on nonlinear budget sets, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Journal of Economic Theory, (2014), vol. 152, 224-236.Nonparametric analysis of multi output production in joint inputs, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock and Kristof De Witte
Economic Journal, (2014), vol. 124, 735-775.A mechanism for eliciting the mean and quantiles of a random variable
Economics Letters, (2013), vol. 121, 121-123.The empirical content of Cournot competition, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Journal of Economic Theory, (2013), vol. 148, 1552-1582.I'll never forget my first cigarette: A revealed preference analysis of the habits as durables model, with Ewout Verriest
International Economic Review, (2013) vol. 54, 717-738.Nash bargained consumption decisions: a revealed preference analysis, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Economic Journal, (2013), vol. 123, 195-235.Network formation with heterogeneous agents and absolute friction, with Joost Vandenbossche
Computational Economics, (2013), vol. 42, 23-45.Inequality adjusted income growth, with Dirk Van de gaer
Economica, (2012), vol. 79, 747-765.An (almost) unbiased estimator for the S-Gini index
Journal of Economic Inequality, (2012), vol. 10, 109-126.Revealed preference analysis of noncooperative household consumption, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Economic Journal, (2011), vol. 121, 1073-1096.The computational complexity of rationalizing boundedly rational choice behavior
Journal of Mathematical Economics, (2011), vol. 47, 425-433.Testable implications of general equilibrium models: an integer programming approach, with Laurens Cherchye and Bram De Rock
Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol. 47, 564-575.A general extension result with applications to convexity, homotheticity and monotonicity
Mathematical Social Sciences, (2009), vol. 57, 96-109.Nash rationlization of collective choice over lotteries, with Luc Lauwers
Mathematical Social Sciences, (2009), vol. 57, 1-15.Absolute and relative time-consistent revealed preferences
Theory and Decision, (2009), vol. 66, 283-299.
Book Chapters
Samuelson's approach to revealed preference theory: some recent advances, with Per Hjertstrand
in: Paul Samuelson: Master of Modern Economics Eds: R. A. Cord R. G. Anderson and W. A. Barnett, Palgrave MacMillan, p.193-228
Selected Working Papers
Choice dominance and single crossing indifference curves: a revealed preference analysis, with Tom Potoms and Morgane Rigaux
Ecares working paper, 2024-23Potentials in social environments, with Jean-Jacques Herings and Christian Seel
Ecares working paper, 2023-13.Testing revealed preference models with unobserved randomness: a column generation approach, with Tom Potoms
Ecares working paper, 2022-42Stable marriages household consumption and unobserved match quality, with Martin Browning, Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Frederic Vermeulen
Ecares working paper, 2021-15.Nonparametric production analysis with unobserved technological heterogeneity, with Laurens Cherchye, Bram De Rock and Marijn Verschelde,
NBB working paper, 335. Working paper
(Former) students
Sam Cosaert (co-supervisor with Laurens Cherchye, University of Antwerp)
Riccardo Saulle (co-supervisor with Christian Seel and Jean-Jacques Herings, University of Padova)
Tom Potoms (co-supervisor with Bram De Rock, Sussex University)
Clément Staner (Heidelberg University)
Umutcan Salman (University of Padova)
Morgane Rigaux
León Hennen
Currently, I'm teaching the following courses
MATH-S201: Mathématique: fonctions de plusieurs variables (Undergrad level)
MATH-S400: mathematics and Economic Modelling (Master level)
MATH-S401: dynamic optimization (Master level)