Patents & Books/Chapters


6. John Philip, C.Babu Rao & Baldev Raj  Patent No.186620 An optical probe for qualitative  evaluation/measurement of defects in a  ferromagnetic material  component case I 

5. John Philip, C.Babu Rao & Baldev Raj  Patent No.186574 An optical probe for quantitative evaluation/measurement  of defects in a ferromagnetic  material  component Case II   

4. John Philip, T.Jayakumar & Baldev Raj  Patent No.189001 A process for producing articles of metals, alloys and ceramics with etched surfaces and an apparatus for laser based etching of the said articles  

3. John Philip, T.Jayakumar, P.Kalyanasundaram & Baldev Raj Patent No.196063  A tunable optical  Filter 

2. John Philip, T.Jayakumar, P.Kalyanasundaram & Baldev Raj Patent No.195921 An improved  apparatus for measuring colloidal forces

1. John Philip, T.Jayakumar, P.Kalyanasundaram & Baldev Raj Patent No.205114 Stabilized magnetic emulsion and a process of making it.


9. S.A. Angayarkanni, J. Philip, “Synthesis of Nanoparticles to Nanofluids” in the book Fundamentals and Transport Properties of Nanofluids, RSC Publishers, UK  (Editor: S. M. Sohel Murshed).

8.      B.B.Lahiri, Surojit Ranoo, Fouzia Khan, J.Philip, “Improving Magneto-thermal Energy Conversion   Efficiency of Magnetic Fluids Through External DC Magnetic Field Induced Orientational Ordering”,       Chapter 12 of the Book (2021) (Book chapter)

7. B.B.Lahiri, J.Philip, “Condition monitoring of mechanical and electro-mechanical systems using    infrared thermography”, American Society for Non-destructive Testing  HANDBOOKS  on Infrared        and Thermal Testing Handbook, (2020) Fourth edition (Book chapter)

6. B.B.Lahiri, S.Bagavathiappan, B.Raj, J.Philip, “Infrared Thermography for Detection of Diabetic      Neuropathy and Vascular Disorder”, Chapter 13  of the Book ‘Application of Infrared to Biomedical       Sciences, Series in Bio Engineering’, E.Y. Ng and M.Etehad Tavakol (eds.) Springer Nature Singapore      Pvt Ltd., (2017) (Book chapter)

5.   B.Raj, U.Kamachi Mudali, J.Philip, Sitaram Dash, “Nanotechnology in Energy Technology”, chapter 19 of the Book, The Nano-Micro Interface: Bridging the Micro and Nano Worlds’, Second Edition:            Edited by Hans-Jörg Fecht, Matthias Werner and Marcel Van de Voorde.  Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag   GmbH, Co.KGaA, (2017) (Book chapter)

4.  B.Raj, S.A.Angayarkanni, J.Philip, “Nanofluids for Efficient Heat Transfer Applications”, Chapter of the  book  “Nanotechnology for Energy Sustainability”, Editors: B.Raj,  Yashwant Mahajan and  Van de voorde Marcel, John Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany (2017) (Book chapter)

3.  P.D.Shima, B.Raj, J.Philip, “Thermal Properties of Magnetic Nanofluids”, chapter of the  Book  “Nanofluids: synthesis, properties and applications”, Nova  Science Publishers, Ltd., New York, USA  Editors: Sohel Murshed, Carlos Nieto de Castro, University of Lisbon, Portugal, (2014) (Book chapter)

2.   J.Philip, B.Raj, “An overview of recent research on magnetic nanofluids”,  Frontiers in the design of materials, Editors: B.Raj, S.Ranganathan, S.L.Mannan, CRC, Press, Virginia, (2007) (Book chapter)