



Shatterhand Massacree as Riderless Horse

Hallwalls, Buffalo, NY 1985

Pyramid Club New York, NY 1985

Shatterhand Massacree/Riderless Horse

Text, direction, design, and video by John Jesurun

Danspace Project, New York, NY 1985

Lighting by Jeff Nash

Choreography by Jo Andres/Sanghi Wagner

Cast: Steve Buscemi, Valerie Charles, Larry Tighe, Michael Tighe, Sanghi Wagner

German version

Shatterhand Massacree as Pferd Ohne Reiter

Ingewandte Theaterwissenschaft, Justus Liebig Universitaet, Giessen, West Germany 1985

Theaterstudio in der Zigarrenfabrik, Giessen, West Germany 1985

The Kitchen, NYC 1995

University of Colorado, Boulder 1986

New Performance Gallery, San Francisco 198

Valladolid Theatre Festival, Spain 1986

Aspen Art Museum, Aspen 1987

Chieri Festival, Italy 1987

Montalcino Festival, Italy 1987

The Kitchen, New York, NY 1987

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis 1987

Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford 1989

Wesleyan University, Middletown 1989

On the Boards, Seattle 1989

Mickery Theater, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1989

Lanteren Theater, Rotterdam, Netherlands 1989

Eurokaz International Theater Festival, Zagreb, Yugoslavia 1989

Spanish Version-Granada Festival, Granada and Murcia, Spain 1992


MOTHER: Tell me something.

FATHER: What did you do for seven years out there on the wolf prairie?

SON: Nothing.

FATHER: What did you eat?

SON: Berries.

FATHER: You hung out with wolves.

SON: Yeah, so what.

MOTHER: Eating.

SON: Birds, rabbits,paper, flowers, tin cans, anything we could.

FATHER: Like a wolf.

SON: Paper.

DAUGHTER: Anything he could.

MOTHER: Paper?

DAUGHTER: How long do you have to starve before you eat something else?

SON: I couldn’t eat anything else.

DAUGHTER: There was nothing else.

SON: It got so cold that all the deer went away.

DAUGHTER: He had to eat anything.

SON: I tried to go to a farm but they would let me in, they shot at me, scared me, so I went to a town and the whole town was empty.

MOTHER: The iron ore gave out.

DAUGHTER: And you ate iron ore.

SON: I did. A rope from hell to hang him. I stayed by your cornfield till December. I ate cornstalks. Then they ran out. I killed a rabbit with my bare hands and I ate it. My tongue burned out from the blood.

FATHER: You loved the blood because you’re a wolf.

MOTHER: Half wolf.

SON: I hated the blood but I had to eat it.

FATHER: You should have starved.

SON: But you eat rabbits.

FATHER: You should have starved.

SON: But you eat rabbits.

DAUGHTER: He had to eat.

SON: I ate my shoes for god’s sake.

DAUGHTER: I tried to go out and find you by the cornfield but you ran away. I went out there everyday.

SON: And everyday I ran away. Then it got easier. Some people tried to catch me with ropes but I bit them. And the wolves…

DAUGHTER: They were nice.

SON: They took me along.

FATHER: And you ripped up the sheep with them.

DAUGHTER: He had to.

FATHER: Leg of lamb.

SON: Yes sir.

FATHER: I wish you were a catfish.

SON: I wish I was too.

FATHER: But you’re a wolf.

SON: I am not a wolf.

MOTHER: Half wolf.

DAUGHTER: Half boy.

SON: Damn right. But you ate the lambs.

FATHER: Damn right.

MOTHER: Something’s burning.

DAUGHTER: The prairie’s burning up.

MOTHER: If we lead it into a canyon it’ll burn itself out.

SON: It’s getting near the town.

DAUGHTER: It’s hitting the castanet factory. We could hear it exploding all night.

FATHER: You brought the fire.

SON: I set a fire in the cornfield to keep warm. It got very cold and chilly and I started to worry.

DAUGHTER: And I called him to come here.

FATHER: And now he’s catastrophizing everything.

DAUGHTER: He is not.

MOTHER: It’s raining. The sun’s coming out.