Class Blogs

To create a central site for my students to access classroom resources, I created two simple blogs using Blogger. I chose to use a blog instead of a Web site so that students and parents could review class materials quickly and easily since the most recent lesson will always be at the top of the front page. Also, students can go back and review lessons from previous classes by simply using the navigation tools provided. Blogger also integrates easily with other sites such as YouTube and Google so content can be added quickly and easily. Since I have ELLs in my classes, I added a translation tool to assists students in translating unfamiliar terms. I also provided a list of links to other sites relevant to the class.

Business Applications at Haywood High School

Business Management at Haywood High School

The following site has not been used for a class at this point, but I plan on using it for a future history or social studies class.

Historical Viewpoint

All of the blogs are optimized for smartphone and tablet screens as well so students can view the material on these sites at any time from any device.