Olá! I'm João, an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a researcher at NOVA LINCS. Previously, I was a post doctoral fellow in the Computer Science Department of CMU hosted jointly by Vipul Goyal and Venkatesan Guruswami.

I have also spent some time at CQT (hosted by Divesh Aggarwal), UIUC (hosted by Olgica Milenkovic), UMich (hosted by Mahdi Cheraghchi), and the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing (as a visitor in the "Error-Correcting Codes: Theory and Practice" program).

I received my PhD from the Department of Computing of Imperial College London, where I was advised by Mahdi Cheraghchi. Before that, I received an MSc in Computer Science from ETH Zurich and a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Computation from Instituto Superior Técnico.

Research interests: I am interested in theoretical computer science, with an emphasis on coding theory, cryptography, and pseudorandomness.

Prospective students: I am always looking for motivated PhD students interested in theoretical aspects of computer science. If you are an MSc or BSc student (at FCT-UNL or elsewhere), you are also welcome to contact me about MSc thesis projects and independent research/study projects.

Conference program committees: RANDOM 2024, ITC 2024, TCC 2023, ITC 2023.

Email: jribeiro@tecnico.ulisboa.pt


ORCID: 0000-0002-9870-0501


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