Tidmarsh Page

The Greyhound, Tidmarsh.

Local Information

Tidmarsh on wikipedia

Tidmarsh-with-Sulham Website

St. Laurence Church, Tidmarsh

The Greyhound, Tidmarsh

(website recently improved by new team)

A historical note about Tidmarsh - and a nice picture

Moor Copse Nature Reserve

Includes a map of the reserve showing the footpaths, but note that:

i. Park Wood has three north-south paths not two,

ii. Not shown is the important path out of the reserve running north along the east bank of the river Pang.

After 200 yards, you can turn left across the river and emerge from the drive opposite Manor Farm Lane.

Thus it is now easy to get to Moor Copse on foot from Tidmarsh and all places north.

(last modified, 14th January 2020)