50 Years of the rho method

The "Birthday Problem" is the surprising statement that in a group of 23 people, chosen at random, there is a probability close to 50% that two share a birthday.  The following more general statement has important applications to computer science.  Pick integers at random in the interval (I, 2, ... , n) until some integer is repeated.  The expected number of choices required is close to sqrt(pi*n/2) = 1.253*sqrt(n). 

The "rho method", also known as "Pollard rho",  is an application of the birthday problem to factoring,  It was discovered on 8th June, 1974  and is described in my paper 6 (see list of papers on the Number Theory page).   Two days earlier I had a weaker algorithm (see list of problems below).  The same names are often used for the first of my two methods for discrete logarithms (my paper 9) , which also uses the birthday problem.  The other method of this paper is the "kangaroo method".  This page will be about these algorithms, and other related things.  For a detailed discussion see, Steven Galbraith, "Mathematics of Public Key Cryptography", CUP, 2012 ( the text is accessible on his website).

In my paper 4,  published in 1974,  I proved that deterministic factoring is possible in time O(n**1/4 + e).  My method used the FFT.   The same result was obtained by Strassen in a different way.  This result has only been improved recently by David Harvey (Math.  Comp. 2021), who obtained exponent 1/5.  The rho method of factoring was found while looking for an easier practical way to find small factors.

For about 10 years the rho method (together with the p-1 method) was the best way to find small factors.  A version was used by Richard Brent in 1980 (my paper 12) to find the 16 digit factor of F8 (the Eighth Fermat Number) - the cofactor of 62 digits was shown to be prime.  It became obsolete for large calculations with the arrival of Lenstra's Elliptic Curve Method(ECM), published in 1987.  As far as I know, the largest factor ever found by the rho method was 19 digits.  With today's computers, this record could be improved a little.  But there is no point, since the  current record for ECM is 83 digits. (In the case of a number composed of two factors of fairly equal sizes, the fastest factoring method is the Number Field Sieve, which can currently factor general numbers of more than 200 digits - see papers 14-17).

The rho method for discrete logs was originally proposed for the integers modulo a prime p, but applies to an arbitrary group . It is still the best method for d logs on an arbitrary elliptic curve over a finite field.     My second method, which I prefer to call the kangaroo method rather than the lambda method, computes a d log known to lie in an interval.   As explained in my paper 9,  the idea is to use a tame kangaroo to catch a wild kangaroo.  In the paper of Galbraith, Pollard and Ruprai (my paper 21) it is shown that 3 kangaroos are better than 2, and 4 better still.   Both the rho and kangaroo methods have useful parallel versions. 

A third method of computing d logs by random walks was first proposed by P, Gaudry and E. Schost (ANTS VI, 2004).  This uses a large number of short random walks and works in a multidimensional interval.

Both rho methods are widely taught, as one can see by putting "Pollard rho" into Google or YouTube.   I would guess this is because they are so simple.  They also illustrate very well some important points about algorithms:

i.    There may be faster methods than the obvious ones.

ii.   A proof that an algorithm works is not essential!   We do not have it for either rho method. 

The moral is that inventing algorithms is different to proving theorems.


Some problems (which mainly involve the number 2/3!):

(last edited 28/6/24).