Research Projects

[2018 - 2020]    

Co-principal investigator of the Projet des Jeunes Chercheurs "Interface entre (morpho-)syntaxe et prosodie : étude comparative des mots interrogatifs du type -wh dans les langues d'Asie orientale. Modélisations et applications", (with Huy Linh DAO), funded by the Scientific Committee of INALCO. 

[2015 - 2018]    

Researcher in the WP #3 "Heritage languages and language users in the EU: Challenges & dilemmas of immigrant language maintenance" of the Research Project (FP7-SSH) AThEME (Advancing the European Multilingual Experience), funded by the European Commission (PCDRT-7).

      - Coordinators: Hamida Demirdache (University of Nantes, LLING-UMR 6310) & Janet Grijzenhout (Leiden University)

[2014 - 2017]    

Participant of the Project Program #9 "Ontologie et Typlogie des Etats", funded by the Fédération TUL (CNRS FR 2559).

      - Principal Investigators: Léa Nash, Elena Soare (University Paris 8, SFL-UMR 7023)

[2013 - 2015]    

Researcher in the Franco-Dutch Project Program Van Gogh "A Crosslinguistic Perspective on Children's Acquisition of Grammar-Meaning Interfaces", funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the French Ministry of Education and Research.

      - Principal Investigators: Angeliek van Hout (University of Groningen, CLCG) & Hamida Demirdache (University of Nantes, LLING)

[2009 - 2010]    

Participant of the Project "Universal Grammar and Linguistics Variation" (HM-2009-1-1), European Research Net in Linguistics, funded by the Basque Government - Education, University & Research Department.

      - Principal Investigator: Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria (UPV-EHU)