Curriculum Vitae

[2017 - ]              

Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences), Department of Korean Studies, INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales), Paris


Post-doctoral researcher, LLING - UMR 6310 CNRS/University of Nantes

     WP #3 "Heritage languages and language users in the EU: Challenges & dilemmas of immigrant language maintenance" in the European Research Project (FP7-SSH613465) AThEME -Advancing the European Multilingual Experience


Ph.D. in Linguistics, highest honors, University of Nantes, France

     Dissertation title: (Degree) Inchoative States in Korean: Evidence from Child Language

     Supervisor: Hamida Demirdache (PR, Université de Nantes)

     Co-supervisor: Orin Percus (PR, Université de Nantes)

     Committee members: Nina Kazanina (PR, University of Bristol), Brenda Laca (PR, Université Paris 8, reviewer), Isabelle Roy (MCF HDR, Université Paris 8), 

     Lucia Tovena (PR, Université Paris 7, Jury president, reviewer), Angeliek van Hout (PR, University of Groningen)


M.A. in Linguistics, University of Nantes

     Thesis title: L1 Acquisition of Past Tense in Korean (Supervisor: Hamida Demirdache)


Maîtrise in Linguistics, University of Nantes

     Thesis title: Null Arguments in Korean (Supervisor: Hamida Demirdache)


B.A. in Linguistics, University of Nantes


B.A. in French Language & Literature, Chung-Ang University