
Pravda, August 20, 1991, p.1.


Due to the impossibility for health reasons of Mikhail Sergeievich Gorbachev fulfilling his duties as President of the USSR, on the basis of Article 127, Clause 7 of the Constitution of the USSR, I have assumed the duties of President of the USSR as of August 19, 1991.

Vice President of the USSR

G. I. Yanaev

August 18, 1991

Pravda, August 20, 1991, p.1


Compatriots! Citizens of the Soviet Union!

In this difficult and critical hour for the fate of the Fatherland and Our People we appeal to You! A deadly danger is hanging over our great Fatherland! For a number of reasons the policy of reform initiated by M. S. Gorbachev, which was seen as a way of guaranteeing the dynamic development of the country and democratisation of social life, has reached a dead end. Our original enthusiasm and hopes have been replaced by a lack of conviction, apathy and desperation. The authorities at every level have lost the trust of the people. Political intrigue has displaced from social life concern for the fate of the Fatherland and its citizens. Malicious mockery besmirches all the institutions of the state. To all extents and purposes the country has become ungovernable.

Using freedoms which have been granted them and relying on our budding democracy, extremist forces have arisen which are bent on the liquidation of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the state and the seizure of power at any cost. The results of the [March 1991] Referendum on the unity of the Fatherland are being trampled underfoot. The cynical manipulation of ethnic sensibilities is no more than a screen for the satisfaction of ambition. The woes of their people today or tomorrow do not worry these political gamblers. They have created a situation of moral and political terror yet attempt to hide behind the shield of the people's trust. They forget that the links they have condemned and broken were built on the foundations of a far broader popular support, a support which traverses the timeless truth of history. Today, those who in effect are directing events towards the overthrow of the constitutional order must answer to mothers and fathers for the deaths of the hundreds of victims of inter‑ethnic conflict. The mutilated fates of more than half a million refugees are on their consciences. Because of them, the peace of mind and life's joys of tens of millions of Soviet people have been lost. Just yesterday these people were members of the one family, but today they are social outcasts in their own home. What the social order ought be should be the decision of the people. But they are trying to deprive the people of this right.

Instead of concern for the security and well‑being of each citizen and society as a whole, the people with power today often use it contrary to the interests of the people and as a means of unprincipled self‑promotion. Torrents of words and mountains of declarations and promises only underline the poverty and squalor of their practical measures. This pomposity of power is worse than anything and is destroying our state and society. Each citizen feels a diminishing conviction about tomorrow and a profound anxiety for the future of their children.

The crisis of power has had a catastrophic effect on the economy. This chaotic and spontaneous slide towards the market has provoked an outbreak of egoism - regional, departmental, group and personal egoism. The war of laws and the encouragement of centrifugal tendencies has resulted in the destruction of the unified economic mechanism which it took decades to develop. As a result a sharp fall has set in in the living standards of the overwhelming majority of Soviet people, along with a flowering of speculation and the shadow economy. It is high time the people were told the truth: if urgent and decisive measures are not adopted for the stabilisation of the economy, then in the nearest future famine and a new round of poverty are inevitable from which it will only be one step to the mass expression of uncontrolled dissatisfaction with disastrous consequences. Only irresponsible people can set their hopes on some kind of aid from abroad. Gifts of whatever nature will not solve our problems. Our salvation is in our own hands. The time has come for the authority of each person and organisation to be measured by their real investment in the renewal and development of the economy.

For many years now we have been listening to incantations about devotion to the interests of the person, concern for his or her rights and social welfare. In fact that same person has found themselves diminished, their real rights and possibilities reduced and they themselves pushed to desperation. All the democratic institutions which were created by the will of the people are losing authority and effectiveness before their very eyes. This is the result of deliberate actions by those who, crudely relying on the Basic Law of the USSR, are effectively carrying out an anti‑constitutional coup and striving to establish an unbridled personal dictatorship. In secret, prefectures and mayors' offices are moving ever more to substitute themselves for the Soviets elected by the people. An attack is being waged on the rights of workers. The rights to work, an education, social welfare, housing and rest and recreation are at stake.

Even the elementary personal safety of the people is being threatened. Crime is rapidly increasing and is becoming organised and politicised. The country is sinking into an abyss of violence and lawlessness. Never before in the history of the country has the propaganda of sex and violence, with its threat to the health and lives of future generations, been so widespread. Millions of people are demanding the adoption of measures against this spread of these tentacles of crime and clinging immorality.

The deepening destabilisation of the political and economic situation in the Soviet Union is undermining our position in the world. Already revanchist whispers can be heard here and there demanding a revision of our borders. Voices are even shouting out for the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the establishment of international controls over different areas and regions of the country. This is the bitter reality. Just yesterday, a soviet abroad felt themselves a worthy citizen of an influential and respected state. Now he or she often finds him or herself a second class foreigner who elicits nothing but contempt.

The pride and honour of the Soviet people must be fully restored.

The State Emergency Committee of the USSR is fully aware of the depth of the crisis devastating our country. It accepts responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland and is fully prepared to use whatever measures necessary to drag the state and society out of the crisis.

We promise to conduct a broad and comprehensive discussion of the draft for the new Union Treaty. Each person will have the right and be given sufficient time to think about this most important act and make their own decision about it, since the fate of the numerous peoples of our great Fatherland will depend on what the Union becomes.

We intend working quickly towards establishing law and order. We shall put an end to bloodshed and wage a merciless war on the criminal world and eradicate shameful phenomena which discredit our society and belittle Soviet citizens. We shall sweep criminal elements from the streets of our cities and put an end to the tyranny of the plunderers of the national wealth.

We stand for genuinely democratic processes, for continued reform directed to the renewal of our Fatherland and to economic and social prosperity so that the Fatherland might occupy a worthy place in the world community of nations.

The development of the country should not depend on a fall in the living standards of the people. In a healthy society the norm is the continual improvement of the well‑being of all citizens.

Without diminishing our concern for strengthening and defending individual rights, we shall focus on defending the interests of the broadest strata of the population, those whom inflation, crime and the disorganisation of industry have most hurt.

In developing the economy in all its complexity, we shall also support private enterprise, giving it the space it needs for the development of the production of goods and services.

Our first task is to solve the problems of production and housing. Every available resource will be mobilised for the satisfaction of these most urgent needs of the people.

We call on workers, peasants, the working intelligentsia, all Soviet people, to immediately re‑establish labour discipline and raise the level of production so that we can then resolutely move forward. Our lives and the futures of our children and grandchildren and the fate of the Fatherland depend on this.

We are a peace loving country and shall strictly observe all the obligations we have taken upon ourselves. We make no claims against anybody. We wish to live with all in peace and friendship. But we sternly declare that nobody will ever be allowed to encroach on our sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. Any attempt at dictating to our country, whatever its source, will be resolutely rebuffed.

Our ethnically diverse nation has lived for centuries proud of its Fatherland, we have never been ashamed of our patriotic feelings and consider it both natural and lawful to bring up today's and future generations of our great power in this spirit.

Not to act in this, our Fatherland's critical hour, would mean accepting the burden of responsibility for tragic and truly unpredictable consequences. Everyone to whom our Fatherland is dear, who wants to live and work in an environment of harmony and conviction, who rejects the continuation of bloody inter‑ethnic conflicts, who looks to the future of our Fatherland as one of independence and prosperity, must make the only correct choice. We call on all genuine patriots and people of good will to put an end to today's troubled times.

We call on all citizens of the Soviet Union to recognise their duty to the Fatherland and give their full support to the State Emergency Committee of the USSR, to its efforts to bring the country out of the crisis.

Constructive proposals from social political organisations, work collectives and citizens will be gratefully accepted as a manifestation of their patriotic readiness to actively participate in the renewal of our age old friendship in the one family of fraternal peoples and the revival of the Fatherland.

The State Emergency Committee of the USSR.

August 18, 1991.

Pravda, August 20, 1991, p.1


Due to the impossibility for health reasons of Mikhail Sergeievich Gorbachev fulfilling his duties as President of the USSR and with the transition, in correspondence with article 127 clause 7 of the Constitution of the USSR, of the power of President of the USSR to Vice President of the USSR, Gennadii Ivanovich Yanaev:

And with the aim of overcoming the profound and comprehensive crisis, political, inter‑ethnic and civil confrontation, chaos and anarchy which threaten the lives and safety of citizens of the Soviet Union and the sovereignty, territorial integrity, freedom and independence of our Fatherland;

And proceeding from the results of the all‑Union referendum on the preservation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;

And governed by the vitally important interests of the people of our native land, and of all Soviet people;

We decree:

1. That in correspondence with article 127, clause 3, of the Constitution of the USSR and article 2 of the Law of the USSR "On the Legal Regime of a State of Emergency" and moving to satisfy the demands of broad strata of the population concerning the need for the adoption of whatever measures necessary to prevent the slide of society into total catastrophe, and for the guarantee of law and order, a State of Emergency is hereby introduced in certain parts of the USSR for six months from 4am Moscow Time, August 19, 1991.

2. That on the whole territory of the USSR, the Constitution of the USSR and the Laws of the USSR have unconditional priority.

3. That for the administration of the country and the effective realisation of the Legal Regime of a State of Emergency, a State Emergency Committee of the USSR (SEC USSR) is hereby constituted consisting of the following: Baklanov O. D., First Deputy Chairman of the Defence Council of the USSR; Kryuchkov V. A., Chairman of the KGB USSR; Pavlov V. S., Prime Minister of the USSR; Pugo B. K., Interior Minister of the USSR; Starodubtsev V. A., Chairman of the Peasants' Union of the USSR; Tizyakov A. I., President of the Association of State Industrial, Construction and Transport Enterprises of the USSR; Yazov D. T., Defence Minister of the USSR; Yanaev G. I., Acting President of the USSR.

4. That decisions of the SEC USSR are binding on all government and administrative organs, official persons and citizens on the whole territory of the USSR and must be strictly implemented.

G. Yanaev
V. Pavlov
O. Baklanov

August 18, 1991

Rossia, August 19, 1991


On the night of August 18/19, 1991, the legally elected President of the country was removed from power.

Whatever the reasons used to justify his removal, we are dealing with a right‑wing, reactionary, and anti‑constitutional coup d'etat.

Despite the difficulties and burdens the people are suffering, the democratic process in our country has been acquiring an ever broader span, an ever more irreversible character. The peoples of Russia are becoming the masters of their own fate. The uncontrolled rights of unconstitutional organs, including Party organs, have been considerably restricted. The leadership of Russia has adopted a decisive position on the Union Agreement and is struggling for the unity of the Soviet Union, and the unity of Russia. Our position on this question has allowed us to radically accelerate preparation of this Agreement, and to agree on it with all the republics and fix a date for its signing - August 20, this year.

This turn of events has aroused the ire of reactionary forces, and has pushed them into irresponsible and reckless attempts at solving complex political and economic problems by force. There have already been attempts earlier at carrying out a coup.

We have considered and do consider that such methods of force are unacceptable. They discredit the USSR in the eyes of the whole world, undermine our prestige in the world community, and return us to the epoch of the Cold War and the isolation of the Soviet Union from the world community.

All this forces us to declare illegal the accession to power of the so called Committee. Correspondingly we declare illegal all the decrees and instructions of this committee.

We are convinced that the organs of local power will strictly adhere to the constitutional Laws and Decrees of the President of the RSFSR.

We call on the citizens of Russia to give a worthy answer to the putschists and demand that the country be returned to normal constitutional development.

It is absolutely necessary to ensure the possibility for President Gorbachev of the USSR to speak to the people. We demand the immediate convocation of an Extraordinary Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

We are absolutely convinced that our compatriots will not sanction the tyranny and lawlessness of the putschists who have abandoned any sense of shame or conscience. We call on the military to display their devotion to the state and not take part in this reactionary coup d'etat.

For the realisation of these demands we call for a general strike.

We have no doubt that the world community will objectively assess this cynical attempt at a right‑wing overthrow.

President of the RSFSR

Yeltsin B. N.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

Silaev I. S.

1st Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

Khasbulatov R. I.

August 19 0900

Rossia, August 19, 1991


of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic


Having carried out a coup d'etat and having forcefully removed the President of the USSR and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR from his posts,

Vice President of the USSR, Yanaev G. I.

Prime Minister of the USSR, Pavlov V. S.

Chairman of the KGB USSR, Kryuchkov V. A.

Interior Minister of the USSR, Pugo B. K.

Defence Minister of the USSR, Yazov D. T.

Chairman of the Peasants' Union, Starodubtsev V. A.

First Deputy Chairman of the Defence Council of the USSR, Baklanov O. D.

President of the Association of State Industrial, Construction and Transport Enterprises of the USSR, Tizyakov A. I.

and their accomplices have committed a grave crime against the state, breaking Article 62 of the Constitution of the USSR, Articles 64, 69, 70, 70 (1), and 72 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and corresponding Articles of the Criminal Codes of the USSR and its Union Republics.

Having betrayed the Fatherland and Constitution, they have placed themselves outside the Law.

On the basis of the above stated, I decree:

That the right to act on the basis of the Constitution and laws of the USSR and RSFSR is granted to members of the judicial, security and police organs of the USSR and RSFSR and to the military, who realise their responsibility for the fate of the people and the nation and do not desire the institution of dictatorship, civil war or bloodshed. As President of Russia and in the name of the people who elected me, I guarantee you legal defence and moral support.

The fate of Russia and the Union is in your hands.

President of the RSFSR

Boris Yeltsin

Moscow, The Kremlin.

Rossia, August 19, 1991

Dear Muscovites!

Russia is suffering a tragic moment in its history.

A group of conspirators calling themselves the Emergency Committee have carried out an anti‑constitutional putsch and are trying to establish their authority. The President of the country has been discharged from his duties and to all intents and purposes a state of emergency has been introduced across the country.

This is an extremely serious crime against the state - betrayal of the people and the Constitution of the country. The actions of the putschists are directed at the dismantling of our burgeoning democracy and a return to totalitarianism. The members of the committee - the main culprits in this critical social crisis - are political gamblers. The power in their hands, seized by force, will rebound on our much suffering people as a great misfortune and will lead the country to complete catastrophe. Weapons and violence have never succeeded anywhere in solving economic and political problems.

The actions of the putschists undermine the prestige of our country in the eyes of the world community, deprive us of its support and are leading the country into complete isolation.

By decree of the President of the RSFSR, the activity of the committee on the territory of the republic is declared illegal, and its orders not subject to implementation. All organs of executive power of the USSR, including the KGB and Police, functioning on the territory of the Russian Federation, are transferred to the direct control of the President of the RSFSR, duly elected by the people.

In this crisis situation the army may blockade the RSFSR House of Soviets. There is a real threat of the violent overthrow of the legally elected leadership of the Russian Federation.


I call on you not to recognise this self‑styled committee nor to implement its resolutions. Use all possible constitutional means to this end - demonstrations, meetings, strikes. The RSFSR House of Soviets and the republic's lawful authorities must be taken under civil defence. Only the people themselves can defend the power of the people!

Here, in Moscow, support the power you elected.

Show restraint and avoid confrontation with those units of the Army, KGB and MVD which have been dragged into this criminal action.

Explain to the soldiers, sergeants and officers the anti‑popular and anti‑constitutional nature of the orders they are being forced to obey.

President of the RSFSR

B. Yeltsin

19/VIII - 9/2


Rossia, August 19, 1991


On the Convocation of an Emergency Session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

On the night of August 18/19, the political situation in our country fundamentally changed as a result of an anti-constitutional coup d'etat.

In correspondence with the Constitution of the USSR, a State of Emergency can be introduced by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR or the President of the USSR with the assent of the Republics, or in the case of the absence of such assent - by a resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR passed by no less than a two-third's majority of the full complement of its members. Insofar as the Constitution of the USSR was violated with the introduction of the State of Emergency, the actions of the so-called Emergency Committee constitute a coup d'etat.

The normal functioning of the constitutional organs of power of the RSFSR has been put in question.

Given the situation, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR decrees:

1. That an extraordinary session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR be called for August 21 at 11am in the House of Soviets of the RSFSR with the agenda consisting of 'The political situation in the RSFSR which has emerged as a result of the coup d'etat'.

2. That implementation of the resolutions of the so-called Emergency Committee will be regarded as participation in the implementation of a crime against the state with all the attendant consequences.

First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

R.I. Khasbulatov

Moscow, the House of Soviets of the RSFSR

August 19, 1991

No. 1624-1

Rossia, August 19, 1991



August 19, 1991. No. 435


On the Illegal Introduction of a State of Emergency

The Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, having examined the situation which has emerged, which has been provoked by the removal from the leadership of the country of the legally elected President of the USSR and the introduction on the territory of the country of a State of Emergency, notes the unconstitutional nature and illegality of these actions, and of the creation itself of the State Emergency Committee of the USSR and decrees:

1. Its support for the appeal of the leaders of the RSFSR 'To the Citizens of Russia', to undertake the strict implementation of the Decree of the President of the RSFSR of August 19, 1991 No. 59 and proposes that the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the executive organs of authority of autonomous republics, regions and districts guarantee the implementation of this Decree.

2. That the executive organs of authority of the RSFSR at all levels strictly adhere in their actions to the Law of the RSFSR in force on the territory of the RSFSR.

3. That it is calling on the Governments of all the Union Republics to unite their efforts for the defence and support of constitutional order on the whole territory of the USSR.

4. That it calls on the Heads of Government of all states of the world, the Security Council and the UN to censure the actions of the State Emergency Committee of the USSR, and not to recognise the legality of its authority in the USSR and of its representatives abroad.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

I. Silaev

Rossia, August 19, 1991


August 19, 1991

To His Holiness

The Most Blessed Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus

Aleksei II

Your Holiness!

The tragic events which have taken place last night compel me to turn to you, and through you, to all believers of Russia.

A scandalous crime has been committed - a group of highly placed and corrupt Party apparatchiks have carried out an anti-constitutional coup d'etat. The legally elected President of the USSR has been removed from power. In effect, a State of Emergency has been introduced across the whole of the country in crude violation of the Constitution and laws of the USSR, and the constitutions and laws of the sovereign republics of the Union.

It is no accident that all this has happened on the eve of the signing of the new Union Treaty, which would have opened up a real way out of the crisis, the path to freedom, democracy and progress.

Not only has our statehood been trampled on. Not only has democracy been dragged to its knees. The freedom of our civic choice has been flouted. The shadow of lawlessness and tyranny again looms over our country.

In this tragic moment for the fate of our Fatherland, I call on you, using your authority amongst all religious confessions and believers, as well as the influence of the Church in our society, not to ignore what is happening since it is directly connected with what you, Your Holiness, have devoted your whole life to - the service of the people and care for their hearts and souls. The church which suffered for years from totalitarianism could again feel the yoke of tyranny and lawlessness on itself.

The Faithful, the whole Russian people, the whole of Russia are awaiting Your Word!

B. Yeltsin

Rossia, August 20, 1991



In connection with the unconstitutional actions undertaken by a group of persons calling themselves the 'Soviet leadership', we consider it necessary that the following actions be taken immediately:

1. That within 24 hours of your receiving this document, a meeting be organised between B. N. Yeltsin, I. S. Silaev. R. I. Khasbulatov and the President of the USSR, M. S. Gorbachev. G. Yanaev is asked to be at the meeting.

2. That a medical examination of the President of the USSR, M. S. Gorbachev, be conducted within the next 3 days with the participation of specialists from the World Health Organisation. Hard currency expenses will be met by the Russian government.

3. That the results of the examination be made public. In the case of positive results, that the conditions be immediately secured for his return to his duties as President of the USSR.

4. That all restrictions on the functioning of the Russian mass media be immediately lifted, the more so, that such restrictions have not been imposed in other republics.

5. That the State of Emergency be lifted on the whole territory of the RSFSR for the duration of the work of the session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR; that unimpeded arrival to and departure from Moscow of People's Deputies of the RSFSR be guaranteed.

6. That the Army be withdrawn to its permanent barracks.

7. That the President of the RSFSR be guaranteed the right to work unimpeded in his residency in the Kremlin.

8. That all forms of communication for the normal functioning of the Russian leadership be immediately restored.

9. That threats addressed to the Russian leadership stop, that its inviolability and freedom of movement be guaranteed.

10. That notice be given of the dissolution of the illegally formed State Emergency Committee of the USSR and that all of its decrees and instructions be abrogated.

President of the RSFSR

B. N. Yeltsin

Vice-President of the RSFSR

A. V. Rutskoi

Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

I. S. Silaev

Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR

R. I. Khasbulatov



Rossia, August 19, 1991


On the Chairman of the State Committee for Defence Policy of the RSFSR

That KOBETS Konstantin Ivanovich is appointed Chairman of the State Committee for Defence Policy of the RSFSR

President of the RSFSR

B. Yeltsin

Moscow, The Kremlin

August 19, 1991

No. 60


August 19, 1991

To the soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces




There has been an attempted coup d'etat. The President of the USSR and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR has been removed from power. The Vice-President of the USSR, the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the KGB USSR and the Ministers for Defence and the Interior of the USSR have joined an anti-constitutional organ and in so doing have committed treason, a grave crime against the state.

The country stands before the threat of terror. The 'law and order' which these newly hatched saviours of the fatherland promise us will mean a tragedy: the suppression of dissidence, concentration camps, arrests by night. This 'better life' will remain a propagandist lie.

Soldiers and officers of Russia! In this moment of tragedy for Russia and the whole country, I am turning to you. Do not allow yourselves to be caught in a web of false promises and demagogic arguments about military duty! Do not become the blind weapon of the criminal will of a group of gamblers who have trampled on the Constitution and laws of the USSR.

Soldiers! I appeal to you. Think about your families, your friends, your country. In the difficult moment of decision, do not forget that you have sworn an oath of allegiance to the people. The people against whom they are trying to turn your weapons.

One can build a throne of bayonets, but you won't sit on it for very long. There is and can be no return to the past. The days of the conspirators are numbered.

Soldiers, officers and generals! An hour ago, I appointed a Chairman of the RSFSR Defence Policy Committee. He is your comrade in arms; Major General K. I. Kobets. A decree has been issued under which all territorial and other organs of the MVD, KGB, and Defence Ministry on the territory of the RSFSR are required to immediately implement all orders of the President of the RSFSR, KGB RSFSR, MVD RSFSR, and RSFSR Defence Policy Committee.

Storm clouds of terror and dictatorship are gathering over Russia, over the whole of the country. But they cannot bring on an eternal night. The law is triumphing throughout our land and our long suffering people will again find freedom. Already now, once and for all!

Soldiers! I believe that in this tragic hour you are capable of making the right choice. The honour and glory of Russian arms will not be stained with the blood of the people

Boris Yeltsin

President of the Russian Federation


To members of the Armed Forces

Comrades, Friends! An attempted military coup is underway with the object of establishing a Stalinist dictatorship. Those state figures who are responsible for the situation in the country today, foreseeing their defeat and their inevitable responsibility before the people, have put themselves at the head of an anti-constitutional conspiracy. The State Emergency Committee which they have personally created will plunge the country into the horrors of a bloody civil war.

Comrades! I am an officer of the Soviet Army, a Colonel, a Hero of the Soviet Union. I have walked the fiery roads of Afghanistan, I know the horrors of war and I call on you, my comrade officers, soldiers and sailors: do not take up arms against the people, your fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. I appeal to your honour, your intelligence, your hearts. Today the fate of the country, the fate of its free, democratic development is in your hands.

Do not allow blood to be shed.

Give no support to the conspirators. Use every means to thwart their criminal intentions.

I call on you to come over to the side of the popularly elected organs of power: the President of the RSFSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR.

Vice President of the RSFSR, Hero of the Soviet Union

A. V. Rutskoi