
[Apr. 2024] Paper published in Computers in Biology and Medicine

Donghyeok’s study on the laser speckle imaging system is published!

[Mar. 2024] Paper published in Journal of Biomedical Optics

Paper collaborated with the University of Cambridge is published!

[Mar. 2024] Greetings 

Dr. Jun Won Kook and Jeonggyo Kim join as research associate and graduate student!! Welcome aboard.

[Feb. 2024] Paper published in Current Applied Physics

Method for the fabrication of tissue-mimicking phantom is published!

[Jan. 2024] Greetings

Eun Soo Kim and Jongseo Lee joins as undergraduate student researchers. Welcom aboard.

[Dec. 2023] New Funding & postdoc hiring!

교육부 주관 LAMP 사업에 선정되어 LAMP 포닥을 고용합니다.

[July. 2023] Greetings 

Mingyu Kim joins our lab as undergraduate student researchers. Welcome aboard.

[Apr. 2023] Jonghee's paper was selected as top downloaded article from Journal of Biophotonics

paper link:

[Mar. 2023] Greetings 

Jaewon Lee, Sera Jung, and Donghyeok Kim join our lab as graduate students!!. Welcome aboard.

[Jan. 2023] Paper published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Suhyun and Sera’s study on high resolution hyperspectral imaging  is published!

[Dec. 2022] Jaewon won the prize at Directed research in Physics

[Oct. 2022] Paper published in Optics and Lasers in Engineering

InYoung’s study on the accurate structured illumination system is published!

[July. 2022] Paper published in Scientific Reports

Jungwoo’s study on angle-dependent spectral distortion in hyperspectral endoscopy is published!

[July. 2022] Greetings

Suhyun and Seonghui join our lab as undergraduate student researchers. Welcome aboard.

[June. 2022] Suhyun won the prize at Directed research in Physics

[May. 2022] Jonghee won the best paper prize at 2022 Biochip conference

[Mar. 2022] Greetings and Farewell

InYoung Park joins our lab as the FIRST GRADUATE STUDENT!!. Welcome aboard.

Jaemin has started his new position at the company. Congratulations and we wish you the best on your new journey!!

[Jan. 2022] - Review paper was published in BioChip Journal

'Hyperspectral Imaging for Clinical Applications' was published in BioChip Journal

[Jan. 2022] Greetings and Farewell

Donghyeok and Jeonggyo join our lab as undergraduate student researchers. Welcome aboard.

Hyeonjin finished her internship at BMPL.

[Dec. 2021] Congratulations!

InYoung won a scholarship from the Department of Physics, Ajou University.

[Sep. 2021] New Undergraduate Students!

Jewon joins our lab as undergraduate student researcher. Welcome aboard.

[Aug. 2021] New Undergraduate Students!

Hyeonjin joins our lab as undergraduate student researcher. Welcome aboard.

[Aug. 2021] Farewell

Hyunji and Jungwoo has started their new positions. Congratulations and we wish you the best on your new journey!!

[July. 2021] New Undergraduate Students!

Sera, InYoung, and Jungwoo join our lab as undergraduate student researchers. Welcome aboard.

[June. 2021] New Funding!

We receive funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea  to realize 'Biomaterial-Based Artificial Optoelectronic Neuron'

한국연구재단 '기초연구실(BRL)' 과제에 공동연구자로 참여하게 되었습니다.

[Mar. 2021] New Undergraduate Students!

HyunJi and Jaemin join our lab as undergraduate student researchers. Welcome aboard.

[Mar. 2021] New Funding!

We receive funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea  for up to four years to develop a novel hyperspectral endoscopy system for gastrointestinal tract diseases.

한국연구재단 '우수신진연구' 과제에 선정되었습니다

[Feb. 2021] We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher

바이오메디칼 포토닉스 연구실에서 박사후 연구원을 모집합니다.

[Sep. 2020] My research interview has been introduced at K-BioX webpage

K-BioX Global Leader Interview에 제 소개 영상이 올라왔습니다.

[Mar. 2020] - Jonghee's paper was published in Plos One

'A background correction method to compensate illumination variation in hyperspectral imaging' was published in Plos One

[Mar. 2020] - Alex's paper was published in Scientific Reports

'Deep learning applied to hyperspectral endoscopy for online spectral classification' was published in Scientific Reports

[Mar. 2020] - Open Biomedical Photonics Laboratory at Ajou University

[Feb. 2020] - Jonghee's research has been highlighted at Photonics West 2020 Show Daily

The research has been introduced at page 13

[June. 2019] - Bric Webinar about hyperspectral endoscopy was uploaded in YouTube

YouTube link

[April. 2019] - Jonghee's paper was published in Nature Communications

'A Clinically translatable hyperspectral endoscopy (HySE) system for imaging the gastrointestinal tract' was published in Nature Communications

This paper is highlighted by the editor