Biomedical Photonics Laboratory

Department of Physics, Ajou University

Welcome to Biomedical Photonics Laboratory

바이오메디칼 포토닉스 연구실은 질병치료를 위한 새로운 광학기기 및 영상분석 기술을 개발하는 융합 연구실 입니다. 물리, 생명, 의학, 전산 등 다양한 분야를 융합하여 연구를 수행합니다.

We are an interdisciplinary research team of physicists, biomedical engineers, biologists, computer scientists who work at the clinical interfaces. Our aims are to develop novel optical imaging technologies and apply them for improved disease diagnosis and treatment.



  We are looking for Undergraduate internships / Graduate students / Post-docs!!

  Please check the 'Openings' page.

  학부연구원 / 대학원생 / 박사후연구원 상시 모집합니다!!

[Apr. 2024] Paper published in Computers in Biology and Medicine

Donghyeok’s study on the laser speckle imaging system is published!

[Mar. 2024] Paper published in Journal of Biomedical Optics

Paper collaborated with the University of Cambridge is published!

[Mar. 2024] Greetings 

Dr. Jun Won Kook and Jeonggyo Kim join as research associate and graduate student!! Welcome aboard.

[Feb. 2024] Paper published in Current Applied Physics

Method for the fabrication of tissue-mimicking phantom is published!

[Jan. 2024] Greetings

Eun Soo Kim and Jongseo Lee joins as undergraduate student researchers. Welcom aboard.

[Dec. 2023] New Funding & postdoc hiring!

교육부 주관 LAMP 사업에 선정되어 LAMP 포닥을 고용합니다.

[July. 2023] Greetings 

Mingyu Kim joins our lab as undergraduate student researchers. Welcome aboard.

[Apr. 2023] Jonghee's paper was selected as top downloaded article from Journal of Biophotonics

paper link:

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대학원생 (1명)과 박사후연구원 (0명) 및 학부 인턴 (1명)을 모집합니다.

관심이 있는 분은 jyoon48 (at)로 CV와 자기소개서를 보내주세요.

Graduate student (PhD and Master course) : 1

Postdoctoral or Master's researcher: 1

Undergrate student internship: 1

If you are interested, please send a CV and a description of your past work and future research interests.

Email: jyoon48 (at)

[more information]